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Monday, July 17, 2006

Remarks by President Bush and President Lula of Brazil

Church Report Announces Annual List of 50 Most Influential Churches

Police in Jackson Gone Wild

CWA Urges U.S. Senators to be Civilized: Choose Life in Bioethics Research

Spiritco1.com Celebrates 3rd Anniversary Of Christian Internet Radio

Stem Cell Conflict: Pro-Life Leaders Address Compromise Legislation

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Fascist Rule in Jackson

Remarks by President Bush and President Hu of China in Photo Opportunity

Remarks by President Bush and British Prime Minister Blair in Photo Opportunity

Remarks by President Bush and French President Chirac

The Most Dangerous People in Jackson

Christian Defense Coalition Challenges Republican Senate Leaders, You Cannot be Pro-Life and Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister Prodi of Italy

Remarks by President Bush and Russian President Putin in Press Availability

Friday, July 14, 2006

NPLAC to Hold Press Conference Addressing Federal Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

ACLJ This Week with Jay Sekulow: The IRS in Churches

National Democrats Continue Their Assault on Catholics and Christians with DCCC Use of Anti-Christian Website Photo

19 House Church Leaders Arrested in Henan, Sichuan and Jilin; House Churches Forced to Close

Remarks by President Bush After Participating in Roundtable Discussion with Civil Society

CWA Decries Call for U.N. Women's Rights Agency

Press Inspects Shoddy Conditions of Closed Wichita Abortion Mill

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Death of the Last Abortion Clinic in Mississippi

Hillsborough County Commission Candidate Joe Redner to Address Sunday Service at Tampa?s Without Walls International Church

Survey Reveals Why Some 'Same Sex Attracted' Men Seek Change

Remarks by President Bush and German Chancellor Merkel in Press Availability

Remarks by President Bush and Chancellor Merkel of Germany in Arrival Ceremony

Catholic Mobile Launches New Wireless Service

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Relics of Martyred Mexican Saints to Visit Arizona, July 13-19

SongTouch.com Announces New Partner Program with over 150 Christian Businesses Already Participating

One Terry Reminding Us of Another Terri

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