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Thursday, February 08, 2007

'Pastor Greg' Cliffhanger: Will Merlin Church Be Bulldozed - Find Out Friday Night on TBN

Jyllands-Posten Riots: One Year Later

House Church Prayer Meeting Raided in Jiangsu Province

Remarks by the President After Briefing on Department of Homeland Security Priorities

Infinity Concepts Adds Revolutionary New Training Solutions to Product Offerings

Two Filmmakers Work to Make William Wilberforce a Household Name

Edgy Ministries Follow Bono's Footsteps and Walk on the Wire-Less Side

Christian Coalition of America Condemns Speaker Pelosi's Request for Large Air Force Jet to Transport to San Francisco Political Cronies, Favorite Members of Congress; Relatives and Friends

National Pro-Life Leaders Meet With KS Congressional Delegation to Ask for a Federal Investigation into Civil Rights Violations Regarding Abortionist George R. Tiller

New Novel Inspires Passion for the Christ

ObamaNation.Com to Expose Sen. Obama

This is Not Your Mother's Natural Family Planning

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Nelson Releases the First True Parallel Study Bible

IRD Release Petition in Support of Southern Methodist University's Decision on Bush Library

First Pentecostal Chaplain Elected as Chair Elect for the Endorsers Conference for Veteran Affairs

Effort to Revive Federal E.R.A. Suffers Stunning Setback as Arkansas House Committee Votes Down Ratification Resolution

Christian Mobile Content for the First Time on Verizon Wireless

China Aid Advisor Met Senior Chinese Officials; Church Activist Liu Fenggang Released from Prison

Have a Heart Healthy Valentine's Day with a Prescription from The Great Physician

North Korea Top Persecutor

CWA: Pro-Family Leader's Life Threatened on 'Gay' Web Site

National Right to Life Urges Legislators in Arkansas and Other States to Reject 'Three-State Strategy' to Revive Federal ERA, Citing Use As Pro-Abortion Legal Weapon

Two Abortion Mill Operators Arrested, Jailed on Felony Counts

National Black Pro-Life Union Promises All Star, Bi-Partisan Events for Black History Month

Energizing Smaller Churches Network Launches Conference Series to Train and Encourage American Church Leaders

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

International Christian Ministries Outperforms Most Charities in America

Film Challenges Viewers to Love Enemies and Reminds Them of Christ's Ultimate Sacrifice

CWA of Virginia Urges the VA GA to Oppose Mandatory HPV Vaccine

Love Triangle Can Cause Bizarre Behavior Says Expert

Musical Ventriloquist Speaks Through Dummies and the Internet to Deliver a Tree-mendous Testimony

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