Contact: Imal Wagner, 301-325-4085,
VIRGINIA, and NETHERLANDS, June 1, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ -- Author and speaker Ruth Graham, daughter of famed evangelist Billy Graham, has voiced her support for the Ark of Noah foundation,, asking the public to help fund its crowdfunding efforts. The life-size replica of the Bible's Noah's Ark is preparing to take sail from The Netherlands traveling to Brazil during the 2016 Olympic Games and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the Paralympic summer games. From there it will visit many other harbors on its journey through South, Central and North America. While still in the early planning phase, desired ports to visit include: Montevideo and Buenos Aires, Havana, Panama, Columbia and then off to the United States: San Diego, Long Beach, San Francisco and Seattle.
"The Ark of Noah team is a multinational team from the United States, the Netherlands and Brazil supported by many Christian organizations around the globe," said Graham. "They are eager to bring the Gospel message by bringing the Ark across the Atlantic Ocean to Brazil. This is an enormous challenge God has called them to and I encourage support of this calling."
The Ark of Noah, is larger than a football field, will be traveling the 5,000-mile journey across the Atlantic. Stretching 410 feet long, 95 feet wide and 75 feet tall, weighing 2,500 tons, and having the ability to carry 5,000 people at a time, the Ark will be mounted and transported on top of a barge. It contains multiple floors that hold different exhibitions such as live and simulated animals, exhibited stories, a movie and Music Theater and a restaurant.
Dutch carpenter Johan Huibers built the Ark of Noah, four years ago as a religious attraction and now has partnered with The Ark of Noah Foundation 501(c)3. Based out of Pasadena, California, the foundation is raising money to fund the trip.
The Foundation is now asking the public to help with crowdfunding to enable the Ark of Noah Foundation to fulfill its mission to bring the Experience of Hope to Thousands in Brazil, South America, and the USA. We still need to raise about $2 million dollars said David Rivera, President of the Ark of Noah. We need help large and small. Everyone can make a difference today with their gift.