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Catholic Advocate Awaiting VP Nominee Before Endorsing

Pick can reassure people of faith they have a clear choice in November

Contact: Matt Smith, Catholic Advocate, 202-521-9828

WASHINGTON, April 16, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Catholic Advocate, a leading lay Catholic grassroots organization in Washington, D.C., announced today that it will not endorse Mitt Romney for president until the vice presidential nominee is announced.

"In spite of the eagerness to see the primary process come to an end, we believe there is still a critical decision yet to be made by the presumptive nominee," said Catholic Advocate President Matt Smith. "Picking a running mate is more than checking boxes next to demographics. People of faith across the country have told us they want a clear choice between the major political parties and that begins with a nominee's first major personnel choice."

Catholic Advocate is a non-partisan group that engages and encourages faithful Catholics to actively participate in the political process to support elected officials and policies that remain consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

"Governor Romney's choice of a running mate will be a decisive moment in his candidacy -- it will signal the kind of appointments a President Romney would make to his cabinet and the Supreme Court," added Catholic Advocate Chairman Deal W. Hudson. "Catholics and all people of faith need to be assured that they have a real choice between candidates on the crucial issues of life, marriage, religious liberty, and economic policies that will help to alleviate poverty."

Catholic Advocate reached this decision after meeting with Catholics over the past three months during our nationwide Call to Catholic Citizenship grassroots activist training seminars. Sessions have been held in North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, and Iowa. Additional dates are scheduled in Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Florida, Nevada, Colorado, and Pennsylvania. The educational program is part of Catholic Advocate's mission to engage and encourage faithful Catholics to actively participate in the political process.

"We look forward to Governor Romney announcing a running mate faithful Catholics across the country can support because of where they stand on the issues facing our families and our country," added Smith.