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Congressmen Cao and Bishop Spin a New 'Tale of Two Cities' or at Least Two States: says Dr. Alveda King

Contact: Dr. Alveda King, 404-822-8969, alvedaking@gmail.com

ATLANTA, March 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by the National Black Pro-Life Union www.nationalblackprolifeunion.com:

It is the best of times, and the worst of times in America, and Congressmen Joseph Cao and Sanford Bishop are in the eye of the storm says Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and founder of King for America.

In "A Tale of Two Cities," Dickens' fictitious characters lived in Paris and London before and during the French Revolution. "Today, our real life members of Congress, Cao (R) and Bishop (D) live in Louisiana and Georgia respectively. While Dickens wrote of the French Revolution, America is at the peak of a defining moment," Dr. King explained. "One might say that the health care bill is revolutionary and we are living in times that could determine whether millions of unborn babies live or die, times that will alter the course of countless other lives."

Cao and Bishop are two men from disparate (different) backgrounds, cities, and parties, yet both are dealing with the same life or death question. If they vote against the current Health Care Bill,  (or Death Care depending on your perspective) it could effect their upcoming bids for re-election.

They are in the forefront of the battle, yet Dr. King is aware of many other elected officials who are facing the same dilemma. "I know many other elected officials at the federal and state levels who are faced with the same question: 'I know abortion is murder. The babies are dying', they say. 'But what should I do? Do I vote for what is right even though it can loose me my seat?' It must be hard for them, because they could loose their political bases and subsequently their seats."

Black Prolife leaders are taking the prolife message to the streets, to the grassroots and to everyone who will listen. They say that Maafa21.com and the Endangered Species Billboard Campaign at toomanyaborted.com  are eye openers, and should be shown in every community across America.

Dr. King concludes, "well ladies and gentlemen, there is much more at stake than political power. What about the babies of America? These are truly the times that try men's (and women's) souls. It is the best of times, and the worst of times. America, this is a Clarion Call to Conscience. Our very lives are at stake."

The National Black Pro-Life Union is an organization founded to serve as a clearing house to coordinate the flow of communications among all African American pro-life organizations and individuals in order to better network and combine resources. We realize that if we are to be successful, it is necessary to share information and/or resources as well as "who gets the credit."  We acknowledge that the real credit for any good thing always goes to GOD--not man.