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Have We Burned the Quran? -- Yes

Contact: Dr. Pat McEwen, Operation Save America, 321-431-3962

NEW YORK, Sept. 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- The question has been asked, "Have you burned the Quran?" The answer is yes. But not the Quran alone. In 2003, we began holding Ecclesiastical Courts in cities across the nation culminating at the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States.

An Ecclesiastical Court is unlike any other court in that the judge is Almighty God, the Supreme Authority of the Universe. Through a "living parable" God's people declared that six of the major court decisions that took God out of our courts, our schools, and our lives were no longer binding upon ourselves and our posterity. We first repented of our apathy as God's people and then called America to that same repentance. God often uses fire as he cleanses. By the burning of the six abominable decisions, we were asking God to cleanse us from the sin of bloodguilt ushered in by Roe v Wade.

In 2004, we added the homosexual flag and the Quran as we saw the rise of Islam, the normalization of homosexuality, and the continued shedding of innocent blood through abortion as a sign of the judgment of Almighty God upon a nation who had ignored His warnings. Today, September 11, we remember the horrific moment that thousands of innocents died and blood ran through our streets. We also need to remember that on that same day, more innocent blood was shed through abortion than as a result of the terrorist attack in NYC. God hates the shedding of innocent blood and it brings His judgment upon a nation. Because our problem is with God Himself, we have hope. He loves us, and will heal our land, if we will but only repent and turn back to Him.

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

What: Operation Save America Gospel Outreaches to Islam and America

When: Saturday, September 11, 2010 12:00 noon

Where: Corner of Murray & Church, NYC (one block from site of mega Mosque)

To Schedule Interviews w/leaders: Dr. Pat McEwen (321) 431 3962

More information present on site.