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Exposing the Confused and Illusory World of Atheism
Contact: Moshe Averick, 773-315-3214

MEDIA ADVISORY, March 3, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Announcing the publication of: "Nonsense of a High Order: The Confused and Illusory World of the Atheist," (Tradition and Reason Press, Inc.) by Moshe Averick, an ordained Orthodox rabbi and Jewish educator for 30 years. (Available on amazon.com and kindle.)

Endorsed by talk-radio host Michael Medved and accomplished academics, Nonsense of a High Order reclaims the intellectual high ground for the rational believer in the 21st century. With his razor sharp logic and rapier wit, Rabbi Averick exposes the gaping flaws in atheistic ideology in general, and in the modern "militant atheism" of writers like Dawkins, Hitchens, and Harris, in particular.

"Very persuasive, often amusing...and rich in ready-to-rumble argument and insight." -- Michael Medved, syndicated talk-radio host

"If you have ever felt bullied by schoolyard atheists like Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens, I have good news...Your big brother, in the person of Rabbi Moshe Averick, has just stepped onto the playground!" -- Dr. Diane Medved, best selling author of The American Family

"In his masterfully constructed section on the Origin of Life, Rabbi Averick has dramatically spiked the ball back into the court of the non-believer." -- Dr. Edward Peltzer, Senior Research Specialist, Ocean Chemistry (Monterey, Ca.)

"Rabbi Averick turns the tables on atheists by exposing the irrational faith-based nature of their "reasoning." -- Dr. Richard Weikart, Professor of History, California State University-Stanislaus, Author of From Darwin to Hitler: Eugenics and Racism in Germany

Copies for review available upon request. For interviews we will provide you with a list of helpful interview questions.


Rabbi Averick's Website

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Excerpt from the book on popular Jewish website.
(This is one of the most popular Jewish websites in the world. This article received 15,000 hits in a week.)


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