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Is Drug Addiction a Disease

Prison Minister attacks drug addiction with eye-opening insights.

Contact: Marty Angelo, Marty Angelo Ministries, 805-405-8174

HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- Prison Minister Marty Angelo recently made public an article he wrote in 2009 on drug addiction after the tragic drug-overdose death of singer/songwriter Michael Jackson.

The article is entitled, "It's is called sin, Doctor" and takes a very serious look at the cause of drug addiction in today's society.

"My article addresses the age-old subject that most modern day thinkers really do not want to contend with anymore." Angelo remarked. "The subject is sin."

Angelo's article highlights many of the consequences of sinful behavior. He made most of his comments to a captive audience during a chapel service at one of California's over-crowded prisons.

"I believe acknowledging all substance abuse/drug addiction as sin is an addict's only real hope for recovery," Angelo informed his prison audience. "Once we acknowledge and confess our addictions as sin, we can then repent and receive forgiveness, cleansing, and overcoming power for all of life's situations."

Angelo is baffled at even how today's Christian churches are using secular sounding drug-treatment jargon in ministry. "Sin has been changed to disease/sickness," Angelo reflected. "I feel once you remove sin from a Christian's vocabulary and the church's outreach approach to the lost; look out! It becomes watered-down and eventually non-effective. The bible clearly teaches us that Jesus came to save us from our sins."

The article even touches upon today's futurist dispensational teachings as being the main reason for the world's current woes. "I feel futuristic thinking causes real damage," Angelo states. "How can we successfully live today in the 'now'... 'the present'... when we are too busy waiting for a future physical earthly kingdom to come?"

Read entire online article here: martyangelo.com/called_sin.htm  

About Marty Angelo
Marty Angelo worked in the entertainment business from 1965 to 1980. He became a Christian in 1981 following a drug arrest and for 29 years has ministered to prisoners, substance abusers and troubled celebrities. He is author of two books, "Once Life Matters: A New Beginning" and "Vision of New Jerusalem: Now!"

Angelo was recently in the news after offering to serve troubled actress Lindsay Lohan's jail sentence if she agreed to enter and complete a 12-month faith-based residential treatment program. Nothing became of his offer and Lohan went on to serve a jail, secular rehab and supervised probation sentence.
(see - martyangelo.com/lindsay_lohan_h.htm)