Pro-Life Leaders Promoting Nationwide Prayer & Picket of NEA Teacher Union Convention & Offices
Contact: Bob Pawson, National Coordinator, Pro-Life Educators And Students, 609-610-3522
WASHINGTON, June 2 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Pro-Life leaders at all levels are promoting the July 2, nationwide demonstrations at the National Education Association's convention in Washington, DC and NEA-affiliate offices in state capitals across America, through e-mails, blogs, and telephone calls," reports Bob Pawson of Pro-Life Educators And Students. "However, it is vital that individual pro-lifers reading or hearing this report commit themselves to personally attending these demonstrations. Your presence is needed and appreciated. Please recruit and mobilize other pro-life parents, students, teachers, clergy and others. Help rebuke the NEA leadership's pro-abortion activism."
Links: PLEAS May6 CNW Press Release &
JOE MORTIMER, President, "Voices for the Unborn" newspaper; Host, VFTU-TV:
"I encourage pro-lifers across America to support and attend these pro-life prayer and pickets. Mark your calendars. Make it your personal pro-life priority to be at the NEA Convention or state-affiliate offices on July 2. Challenge NEA's leadership to become totally neutral and keep NEA out of the abortion issue."
REV. JOHNNY HUNTER, President, Life Education And Resource Network (L.E.A.R.N.):
"There are many educators who support life. A picket on July 2 at the NEA Convention is needed. This is what PLEAS is planning. They need assistance from other pro-life and pro-family groups to get the message out and participate."
Hunter added, "You are right that it is immoral, economic suicide and plain stupid for teachers to be abortion pushers. I will be glad to link you to our pro-life leaders in the Maryland & DC area."
DAY GARDNER, President, National Black Pro-Life Union; News Anchor:
"Why protest the NEA convention? Some schools hand out condoms and there have been reports of young girls being referred for abortions by teachers without their parents' consent. It is extremely important that we raise our voices to the NEA - to make a stand for our children. If parents don't - who will?"
"I've posted your protest on the National Pro-Life Radio press room. I'm sending out your e-mail to pro-life organizations."
PHIL EDDY, Director, ROCK for LIFE - Chapters & Street Team (American Life League):
"Take action against pro-abortion teachers. Unfortunately, the NEA is solidly in the pocket of Big Abortion, endorsing pro-abortion politicians, supporting abortion in their policies and even hosting a recent conference for the abortion-supporting Feminist Majority Foundation at their national headquarters. PLEAS asked us to alert you to an opportunity to make a stand against pro-abortion bias in the NEA pro-life visibility events outside state NEA headquarters around the nation and NEA Convention in Washington, DC."
DANIEL J. CASSIDY, Clergy and Community Coalition for Children, South Carolina:
"Teachers cannot teach and uphold respect for the rights and dignity of the human person, while sanctioning the killing of the most vulnerable among us."
DON HANK, Editor-in-Chief, Laigle's Forum:
"I went to last year's protest at the NEA convention in Philadelphia and was pleasantly surprised to have pro-life people come up to us from off the street, all smiles, and shake our hands. God is working in hearts and minds. Please forward this information to attend this major pro-life event."
PATTI STALEY, President, Mercer County NJ-Right to Life:
"I have sent the NJEA Prayer and Protest info to the Mercer County RTL message board and my personal contact lists. Thank you for your dedication. May God bless your work!"
SAMPLING of INTERNET ITEMS:;; Life Decisions International; Caleb Report;;;;; Illinois Federation for Right to Life; Montana News Association; Deacon for Life Blogspot; Night Watch World News Prayer Network; - CareNet Resource Pregnancy Centers; Kitsap Human Life Google Group; Sunlit Uplands;;Texas Tea Party Republican Women;;;; PrayTheRosary/;