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2012, The Anti-Christ, World War III... Are We the Last Generation

WDC Media PR Signs Renowned Biblical Prophecy Expert, Founder of Endtime Ministries, to Prestigious List of Clientele

Contact: Greg Robbins, 412-855-1330, greg@upliftingentertainment.com; WDC Media PR, 877-862-3600 ext 2, office2@wdcmedia.com

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- CEO and founder of WDC Media, the nation's most innovative and passionate faith and values-based public relations firm, Susan Zahn announced that her firm has signed Endtime Ministries (EM) -- the global brand leader in prophecy-related forecasting, warnings, and biblical prophecy -- to WDC's prestigious list of clientele.

Irvin Baxter, respected leader and founder of the ministry and the voice behind EM radio and television broadcasts, is considered by many to be the preeminent authority and renowned leading expert on eschatology, biblical predictions, and end time warnings.

As the media's go-to person on biblical prophecy and end time predictions, Baxter has been interviewed by most major networks, and has been featured in many of our nation's leading newspapers and magazines.

A gifted speaker and anointed communicator, Baxter is in demand around the globe for his eschatological wisdom and unwavering passion about unveiling the truths foretold in the Bible.

Baxter's Endtime Ministry hosts the world's most popular and widely read magazine on the subject of biblical prophecy; Endtime Magazine is the definitive source and study guide for both religious leaders and mainstream secular Americans interested in eschatology or learning more about what the Bible says will happen in the last days as Christ's imminent return draws near.

From its humble beginnings in 1991, the EM brand has evolved into a prophecy communication powerhouse that -- in addition to the magazine -- utilizes the power and reach of television and radio to communicate with the masses, as well as podcasts, the internet, CDs, DVDs, conferences, publishing and books, plus its own university (www.endtime.com/shop/category/endtime-university) to prepare the world for upcoming apocalyptic events including -- among others -- World War III, the Anti-Christ's perverted rule, earth quakes of biblical proportion and, ultimately, Christ's glorious return.

"The Reverend Baxter is an amazing man who's truly anointed by God," claims Zahn. "He has selflessly dedicated his life to educating the world -- sometimes at great personal cost -- on the relevancy and accuracy of Bible prophecy, and to helping people understand why every human being on earth needs to prepare for what will surely come to pass...which includes many of the recent dark predictions made by Baxter."

Baxter has warned his listeners that the onset of World War III will absolutely happen, and could likely happen sometime within the next two months to two years. Baxter is adamant that this war is going to change life as we know it on this planet.

"I woke up early one morning recently with the strong impression that I finish my book on WWIII as soon as possible," says Baxter. "It may sound incredible, but the Bible clearly prophesies that billions around the world will soon die. I know this disaster is imminent, and I want to get the word out so that people will be prepared," adds Baxter.

To learn more about Baxter's latest World War III prediction as well as other biblical prophecy, viewers can tune in on Mondays at 8PM PST to EM's End of the Age weekly television program on TBN's, Church Channel, or Fridays at 8:30PM PST on the Daystar Network. EM's daily national prophecy radio talk show, Politics and Religion, airs in many major metropolitan areas Monday through Friday at 2PM PST, and streams live on the net (www.endtime.com/multimedia/live-webcast). Listeners can also check out the EM's archive for important prophetic messages from past shows.

Other notable prophecy works by Baxter include The China War and the Third Temple and Dark Intentions; both works of fiction are rooted in end time prophecy. They're available online through the ministry for a small donation www.endtime.com/shop/category/books. Earlier literary works include the Mideast Treaty and A Message for the President, a book that identifies the way in which Great Britain, Russia, the United States, and other nations are mentioned in the Bible.

"EM's newly overhauled web site offers visitors a cornucopia of end time materials," says Zahn, who recommends checking out recently posted online articles discussing the escalating tensions between China, Taiwan, and the United States, as well as segments on global religion, the economy, and UN empowerment. All articles inform readers about the end times and explain these events through biblical prophecy as well as offer tips on preparedness.

EM's combined monthly reach is estimated at one million, but that figure continues to grow dramatically as each day more and more freakish earthquakes, killer tsunamis, devastating floods, ice storms, heat waves, mass murders, wars, genocide, and deadly disease run riot over our lives, threatening to forever change life as we know it.

For more information on Endtime Ministries, go to www.endtime.com.  For WDC Media info visit www.wdcmedia.com.