Pro-Life Action League Leads Americans in Response Abortion Industry HorrorsContact: Tom Ciesielka, 312-422-1333, CHICAGO, April 21, 2016 /
Christian Newswire/ -- American attitudes towards abortion are shifting, as the largest series of nationwide pro-life rallies in history resumes on April 23. After Planned Parenthood's practice of trafficking in the body parts of aborted babies was exposed last year, the dialogue has become less about rights, than about "what is right," according to Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League and national organizer of
#ProtestPP gatherings. "We've seen this nowhere more publicly than on the Presidential debate stage," he emphasized.
The protests, coordinated by Pro-Life Action League, Created Equal and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, will take place across the U.S. in more than 200 cities, including Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit and Washington D.C. Last year 100,000 citizens rallied against Planned Parenthood at over 400 locations, reacting in outrage to the abortion giant’s callous treatment of unborn children. In the wake of these protests, more than 20 Planned Parenthood centers closed and nine states stripped funding for the organization from their budgets.
"The public was appalled at Kermit Gosnell's 'House of Horrors,'" explained Scheidler, referring the Philadelphia abortionist convicted for his barbaric practices in 2013. "Last year's videos exposed Planned Parenthood’s crude and mercenary treatment of the babies they abort, and destroyed any illusion that that they are any more humane than the 'back-alley' abortionists they claim to abhor," he added.
The controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood has impacted the current Presidential campaign, with statements from both party frontrunners drawing ire on both sides of the debate. Scheidler hopes that the nationwide protests on April 23 will put the focus on Planned Parenthood's exploitation of unborn children and increase demands for the organization to be deprived of government funding.
Scheidler has long spoken out against what he refers to "abortion exceptionalism," the idea that abortion vendors and proponents receive protections not granted any other business and are often exempt from the standards other medical facilities must adhere to despite the invasive procedures they perform.
"There is a glaring prejudice against the sanctity of human life in America's legal system," Scheidler stated, citing the example of California Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Kamala Harris. Harris is seeking criminal charges against undercover journalist David Daleiden, whose videos exposed the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal, even though she staunchly defended animal rights activists using the same techniques as Daleiden.
About the Pro-Life Action League
The Pro-Life Action League was founded by Joe Scheidler in 1980 with the aim of saving babies from abortion through direct action. Not content to await a political or judicial solution to abortion, the League seeks to stop the killing of unborn children right now through all available peaceful means, including public protest, sidewalk counseling, education, youth outreach, and national leadership. Visit to learn more.