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Former North Dakota Governor Speaks Out on ObamaCare

Contact: Maryam Kubasek, Common Sense Issues, 513-226-9538, maryamkubasek@gmail.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, March 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Common Sense Issues:

WHO: Common Sense Issues North Dakota has produced radio spots that will begin airing in the state March 18. Titled "Psychiatrist," the 60-second spots draw attention to the apparent disregard of senators Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad and U.S. Representative Earl Pomeroy for North Dakota taxpayers and their opinions.

WHAT: The radio spots feature former Governor Ed Schafer who stresses that Obamacare will force citizens to fund abortion on demand. "Our state's D.C. representatives know that...but spend most of their time in Washington...spending. If you want the truth, check the facts at commonsensenorthdakota.com."

WHY: ObamaCare will force us to fund abortion on demand. The bill also threatens to undermine our health and our economy with out of control spending and government controls over our lives. Our state's D.C. representatives have a choice. Will they lead for North Dakota or fall in line behind Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid? They not only must vote NO on ObamaCare but also they must speak out against the dirty tricks their Democratic leadership is using to jam ObamaCare down the throats of Americans. Citizens must urge them to make the right choice--one that reflects the wishes of their constituents. North Dakotans could be paying for abortion on demand--whether they agree with it or not. Common Sense Issues North Dakota is providing citizens an opportunity to communicate directly with their D.C. representatives regarding ObamaCare at www.commonsensenorthdakota.com.

WHERE: Throughout the state

WHEN: March 18-22

Hear the ad titled "Psychiatrist" at www.commonsensenorthdakota.com. To set up interviews with Ed Schafer regarding Obama's healthcare plan, call Maryam Kubasek at 513.226.9538.