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American Life League, Judy Brown Endorses Missouri Personhood Efforts

Contact: Dr. Gregory Thompson, 417-754-8774, 417-894-5768, personhoodmo@yahoo.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- "American Life League congratulates Greg Thompson and the Personhood Missouri organization for launching the drive to place the vital question of personhood before the people of Missouri. There is no doubt that every preborn human being is a person from the beginning of his or her biological development, and yet this fact is not specifically stated in the law nor is it recognized in the culture. Our hope is that the courageous efforts of the Personhood Missouri team will succeed in educating the citizens of the SHOW ME STATE so that they in turn can provide complete protection for every human being under the law and in the culture of the great state of Missouri." -- Judie Brown, President of American Life League

"The families and the nation are at such great risk, because as a nation we have turned our backs on God and the foundation of Jesus, as we murder our children. Personhood Missouri will continue the stand with other Christians against the powers and principalities that seek to kill, steal, and destroy.

"Jesus replied; 'It is you who say I am a king. The reason I was born, the reason why I came into the world, is to testify to the truth. Anyone committed to the truth hears my voice.'

"Understand, knowing the Truth is important for you? Understand, our actions make a difference? We are at WAR for the lives and souls of the children, and no matter what rhetoric is used to distract us to other compassionate issues, if we do not address these things first, we dishonor God and He will never bless us or our nation. As Jesus said, we must feed the poor, we must clothe the naked, care for the widows and orphans, we are not to neglect these things, even as He instructs us to take on the weightier issues of the day.

"We are indeed under judgment in this nation for turning our backs on God and murdering our children, which is an abomination to a Holy God. It is my hope and prayer that others will be encouraged to stand and contend for the faith, by helping Personhood Missouri with an amendment that will protect the 'person' that has no voice.  Those willing to help us in our stand with Jesus for the children, are encouraged to call to see how to help in this effort. Love and prayers in Christ." -- Dr. Gregory Thompson 

Dr. Gregory Thompson can be reached at 417-754-8774 or 417-894-5768 or email at personhoodmo@yahoo.com