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CRCOA Condemn K of C Inaction on Abortion, Gay Marriage
Contact: Kenneth M. Fisher, 714-491-2284, 714-260-3821 cell; John O'Gorman, 617-846-2983; both with Concerned Roman Catholics of America (CRCOA)
DENVER, July 29, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Concerned Roman Catholics of America (CRCOA) condemn the Knights of Columbus for their continuing failure to expel pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politicians. The K of C will meet in Denver, Colorado when the 129th Supreme Council Annual Meeting (Supreme Convention) gathers at the Sheraton Denver Downtown from August 2-4, 2011. CRCOA and Asleep No More will protest at the Convention, and invite other Pro-Life/Pro-Family individuals and groups to join them.
Ken Fisher, Founder and Chairman of CRCOA, said, "With 53 million abortions since Roe v. Wade in 1973, the Knights of Columbus has failed the unborn children miserably. Founded by Venerable Fr. Michael McGivney as a Catholic fraternal organization, the K of C ought to be a major force in the pro-life, pro-family movement. Instead, by sheltering pro-abortion politicians in its ranks, it has joined 'the culture of death,' as the late Pope John Paul II called it."
In the most recent scandal, two K of C New York State Senators, Joe Addabbo and David Carlucci, cast crucial votes on 24/Jun/11 to pass Gay Marriage in NY (33-29). Had they voted against, there would have been a tie, and NY would still recognize only one man/one woman marriage today.
Perversely, the K of C has welcomed to its ranks a great number of pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politicians in exchange for a charitable tax-free status on its life insurance business. The charitable work is done, and most of the money is raised, by volunteer K of C members at local and state level -- while Supreme Knight Carl Anderson received $1,216,524 in K of C compensation in 2010.
Fisher continued, "Every year, at state and national level, the K of C pass resolutions denouncing pro-abortion politicians. These resolutions are just hot air put on paper. We hear rhetorical speeches from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson telling us that the K of C will no longer tolerate pro-abortion politicians in their ranks, but have yet to see Anderson expel any pro-abortion or pro-homosexual politicians from the Order. The bishops, many of whom are K of C members, have not recently excommunicated a single pro-abortion or pro-homosexual politician."
"The K of C have long boasted that they are 'the strong right arm of the Catholic Church'. This claim is clearly false. In his eleven years as Supreme Knight, Anderson has failed the unborn children repeatedly. He and the Supreme Board of Directors must resign now," concluded Fisher.