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Black Evangelicals Affirm Their Identity and Unity

Contact: Ruth Lewis Bentley, Ph.D., Administrative Executive Director, National Black Evangelical Association, 312-733-1516

CHICAGO, March 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- In an ongoing effort to assert the unity of their African identity, Black Evangelicals from across the country will gather in Chicago for their 47th-year convention: "Koinonia 2010!" They will meet from April 14-17 (Wednesday through Saturday), at the Hilton Oak Lawn Hotel, a southwest Chicago suburb located at 94th and Cicero. The National Black Evangelical Association will convene African-descended leaders and others who share their focus of ministry to African-Americans. A Biblical and social theme inspires them, and drives their conference: "Koinonia! Communication, Communion, Community In Christ."

"Koinonia" (pronounced koy-nohn-eé-ah) is a rich spiritual concept, and means "unity, fellowship, and community." Evangelical Blacks believe that "Koinonia" gives answers to many of the relational crises facing African-Americans. Convention-goers will gather in small groups, open worship services, and interactive teaching sessions. Using models based on the liberating message of "Philemon" and other Scripture, they will apply Koinonia to social issues such as: Black identity in Christ, Oneness in marriage, Homelessness, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, Personal economic crises, Gospelizing in the streets, Being the real Church, Networking for growth and survival, Racial reconciliation, and other concerns. Wednesday evening will present a special Gospel concert. At the "Freestyle Friday" event, young adults will feature notable Christian hip-hop artists. The organization invites all to celebrate Koinonia in their Black evangelical context.

Native Chicagoan and national president of the NBEA, the Reverend Dr. Walter Arthur McCray says that the vision of this one-of-a-kind Christian association is to see "...Black evangelicals in Koinonia to the glory of God." Now, more than ever, Black believers need a clear sense of the identity and community of their group.

For registration and program information on "Koinonia 2010!"--a new and life-changing experience--visit our Website: www.the-nbea.org; Email: Office@the-nbea.org; or call 773-881-2455; Fax: 312-733-1516; Address: POB 4311, Chicago, IL 60680-4311.

Founded in 1963 in Pasadena, CA, the now Chicago-based NBEA organization promotes Biblical and cultural integrity. The association has played a seminal role in the development and growth of many Black evangelicals and their ministries across the country. Over 200 national leaders connect themselves to NBEA and find fellowship under its umbrella of "unity in diversity without enforced conformity." The association is cross-denominational, and opens itself to all who share its vision and values.