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Boycott 'Melania' Book - Call on Her to Return to the Catholic Faith -- Presidential and Vice President Candidates Respond to Melania

Talking Points Below for Pro-life Advocates

Randall Terry for President
Oct. 4, 2024

WASHINGTON, Oct. 4, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- Melania Trump Declared: "There is no room for compromise..." She has betrayed her Catholic Faith, and condones the murder of babies.

What follows are the statements of Randall Terry, Presidential Candidate for the Constitution Party, and Stephen Broden, Vice Presidential Candidate for the Constitution Party.

Randall Terry States:

    "Now we will see what so-called 'pro-life leaders,' Catholic and Protestant Clergy, and Christian/Catholic Talk show hosts are made of. Will they say, 'We are not voting for Melania,' which is true - and costs them nothing. Or will they be an unflinching voice for innocent children.

    "Here are easy, truthful statements that we should all use.

    "Boycott her book. No matter what, do not waste money on someone who has betrayed innocent blood.

    "One wonders if Trump's 'waffling' on child-killing was instigated by a beautiful and manipulative wife.

    "Christians sometimes compare Trump to Solomon, which was laughable until this; we must remember that it was his 'foreign wives' that led Solomon into child-murder.

    "Will the Catholic Bishops where Melania lives and visits instruct their priests that she must NOT be served Holy Communion until she publicly repents of her scandal.
    "Will Catholic Bishops continue to betray babies with their silence regarding Melania's godless and false statements?

    "Melania has cunningly portrayed herself as a Catholic woman of prayer. She has now revealed herself as a Jezebel, who has betrayed Christ and His babies."

Pastor Stephen Broden, an African American Pastor, and Vice Presidential Candidate States:

    "Melania's revelation is stunning, and cannot go unchecked. The pro-life community cannot remain silent on this violation of God's Word, and blatant attack on the precious lives of unborn babies.

    "Silence is not an option for us. We must rebuke her, and there must be a public statement of repentance from her for her violation of the right to life.

    "President Trump needs to get his heart and his family in order."

See TV ads running in Florida, New York, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

To Interview Randall Terry, or Pastor Stephen Broden, Contact Gary Veritas. 901-604-4786

SOURCE Randall Terry for President