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ProtectMarriage.com to Hold Daily Media Briefings During Perry v. Schwarzenegger Trial

Contact: Carla Hass, Communication Director, ProtectMarriage.com, 916-834-9969

MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by ProtectMarriage.com:

WHAT: ProtectMarriage.com, the defendant-intervenors in the federal case Perry v Schwarzenegger to invalidate Proposition 8, will hold daily media briefings to update the media on courtroom proceedings of the day.

WHERE: University of California Hastings College of the Law
200 McAllister
San Francisco, CA 94102
Alumni Reception Center, 2nd Floor

WHEN: Monday, January 11, 2010, approximately 30 minutes after the adjournment of court, through the balance of the trial

WHO: ProtectMarriage.com General Counsel, Andy Pugno


ProtectMarriage.com Communications Director, Carla Hass