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The Vote is In: Maine Protects Marriage

When Americans vote, marriage as one-man, one-woman wins every time

Contact: Demi Bardsley, Concerned Women for America, 202-488-7000 ext 1020

WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- In what the New York Times called "a stinging setback for the national gay-rights movement," Maine became the 31st state to vote to preserve marriage as between one man and one woman.  Voters in Maine proved once again that Americans want marriage to be protected as God designed it.  Same-sex "marriage" is not an issue of equality, but rather a skewed definition of the union that God intended.

Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America (CWA), said, "Every time Americans vote on marriage, traditional marriage wins.  As people become aware of the true homosexual agenda, that it is not about equality but indoctrinating children and discriminating against Christians, they shore up protections against it.  We are grateful for the courageous work of Christians in Maine like CWA leaders Charla Bansley and Penny Morrell, who withstood vicious attacks for standing for marriage."

Charla Bansley, State Director for CWA of Maine, said, "This victory is a tale of hard work from Mainers across the state.  Men like Eric White, who begins his day at 3:30 a.m. as a lobsterman, ended most of his days way after dark collecting signatures, putting up signs, or making 'get out the vote' calls.  Young people, like those from Calvary Chapel School, told their stories at a press conference, made phone calls, and went door to door on Election Day.  Women like Gete Thompson gathered her friends and stood on busy street corners waving 'Yes on 1' signs every Friday and Saturday.

"This victory is a tribute to the ingenuity of Mainers.  The stories I have heard in the last few weeks are truly Maine, like that of Mark Hewes, who sprayed his yard sign with "hunting scents."  That was the last sign stolen from his yard!  Can you imagine the smell in that car? 

"This victory is a testament to the sacrifice of Mainers like Don Mendel, who risked his livelihood as a public school counselor to appear on a 'Yes on 1' commercial.  Families and whole churches have given financially to the campaign.

"While we are enjoying the victory, we must consider how we are going to sustain the win for generations to come.  We must elect men and women to the State House who will defend families!"

Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.