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Murder the Chaplain! Anti-Christian Hate Group Right Wing Watch Followers Issue Death Threats Against 'Dr. Chaps' Klingenschmitt
Contact: Dr. Klingenschmitt, www.prayinjesusname.org/invite-speaker, 719-360-5132, chaplaingate@yahoo.com
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Six followers of the anti-Christian hate group Right Wing Watch (RWW) have published death threats against a former Navy Chaplain because he spoke out against abortion.
In their most recent post on YouTube.com, RWW plagiarized (without consent) and posted (using their own web-site logo) part of an original PIJN NEWS television broadcast created and copyrighted by Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD, in which he criticized a pro-abortion Texas legislator. Within 24 hours, six anti-Christian followers of RWW published written death threats against the chaplain on RWW's youtube page.
Three of those posts, still active on YouTube as of 16 Aug, call upon RWW's followers to kill Chaplain Klingenschmitt:
1.       can we murder this fu**
2.       I don't think he's a fetus. So yeah, you could murder him and still be pro-life.
3.       Another white a** cracker pu*** that needs a .45 Caliber renovation.
Three other followers of RWW stated they wished the Chaplain would die, or had been murdered by an abortionist, or praised the demon of murder.
4.       What a pathetic little bi***. Can't wail till these people die out.
5.       Don't diss the "deamon of murder", I've met him. He's not a bad guy.
6.       This guy is a sh** person and would have been better if he was aborted.
The Chaplain takes these death threats seriously, and has notified the F.B.I. and YouTube. He said, "Sadly, Right Wing Watch fails to watch themselves, or censor death threats from their blog, making them an accessory after the fact. I asked RWW to delete their death threats, but so far they refuse, which makes me believe their blogger Kyle Mantyla and his supervisors at People for the American Way (including President Michael B. Keegan and Chairman Lara Bergthold) now encourage the assassination of pro-life Christian leaders. If such fate should befall me or anyone in my family, I hold RWW immediately responsible, yet I do pray that God will show mercy upon those who hate Christians, and soften their hearts to repent, so the Lord Jesus Christ will forgive their sins. I return their curses with a sincere prayer that God will bless them and save them from their sins and demons, in Jesus' name, Amen."
Dr. Klingenschmitt's daily 1/2 hour TV show PIJN NEWS invites viewers to "pray the news" daily online by subscribing here: youtube.com/chaplaingate, or get free insider action alerts here: prayinjesusname.org/subscribe, or sign petitions to defend pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-Jesus, pro-Israel causes here: prayinjesusname.org. "Dr. Chaps" full bio is here: prayinjesusname.org/invite-speaker.