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PreachingToday.com Announces Annual Preaching Book Awards

Contact: Brian Larson, Christianity Today, 630-260-6200 ext. 4243, blarson@christianitytoday.com

CAROL STREAM, Ill., Feb. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- PreachingToday.com is pleased to announce the winners of its annual preaching book awards. Each year PreachingToday.com names two preaching books of the year: one focused on the preacher's skills and the other on the preacher's soul. The award winner is chosen by votes from two preaching experts and the editor of PreachingToday.com.

The winner in the skills category is Preaching to a Post-Everything World, published by Baker Books, and authored by Zack Eswine, pastor of Riverside Church in St. Louis. Our article announcing the award can be found here: http://preachingtoday.com/skills/2009/annualbookawards1.html

The winner in the soul category is Doctrine That Dances, published by B&H publishing group, and authored by Beeson Divinity School professor Robert Smith Jr. Our article announcing the award can be found here:

PreachingToday.com is a resource of Christianity Today International and has been in existence since 1999. The site is dedicated to inspiring preachers and elevating the level of preaching in the English-speaking world. PreachingToday.com is a subscription site that posts over 360 fresh sermon illustrations every year in its searchable database, as well as articles about preaching, sermons and sermon series, and audio sermons. The editor is Brian Larson, and the managing editor is Brian Lowery.