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Christian Coalition Works to Turn Out Evangelical Vote
Tens of thousands of Coalition supporters distribute millions of voter guides in swing states
Contact: Stephanie, Media Dept., Christian Coalition of America, 202-479-6900, media@cc.org
WASHINGTON, Nov. 5, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Over the course of the past four weeks, Christian Coalition volunteers have distributed tens of millions of non-partisan voter guides in tens of thousands of churches nationwide.
Christian Coalition President Roberta Combs announced the results of the program on the eve of Election Day, stating:
"You don't have to look any further than the latest polls to know that Evangelicals can easily swing this election one way or another", Combs said. "We have worked for over a year to identify voter guide distribution volunteers, and now it is paying off in getting critical voter education material in the hands of potential voters."
Combs went on to state that "Christian conservatives are keenly aware of the incredible importance of this election to their values and they are energized like I've never seen."
An overview of Christian Coalition 2012 voter guide distribution
·         Over 80,000 voter guide distribution volunteers distributed an average of over 200 voter guides each in tens of thousands of churches. (Over 20,000 volunteers in "swing states" of Ohio, Florida and Virginia alone) Over 43,000 shared voter guides via email with an average of 80 friends (3.5 million)
·         Over 65,000 shared voter guides on Facebook with an average of 250 friends (16.5 million)
·         Over 4,200 volunteers used a "donate your status" application, allowing them to automatically donate weekly recurring posts to their Facebook and Twitter networks sharing a link to voter guides – generating over 10 million impressions on those networks
·         Over 7,000 volunteers posted links to voter guides on other websites
·         Millions of Spanish voter guides distributed
In addition to participating directly in Christian Coalition's voter guide program, many supporters engaged in independent promotion of the campaign by:
·         Creating their own Facebook advertising campaigns (using the Coalition's self-help advertising section to promote voter guides in their own areas) 
·         Running voter guides as newspaper advertisements
·         Promoting voter guides on Christian radio
Christian Coalition's 2012 voter guides covered the US Presidential race, all US Senate races and all US House races that were considered to be toss-ups. The Christian Coalition surveys candidates on the issues, investigates their voting records and reviews their public statements – then we let voters know where they really stand.
All voter guides have an embedded bar code that can be scanned with a mobile phone, enabling users to promote voter guides on Facebook and help spread the word.