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Lila Rose to Lead Protest of Catholic Hospital August 4th; National Leaders Endorse Petition Against Hospital

Contact: Daniel Anguis, LifeGuard, 970-385-8451

DURANGO, Colo., July 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- LifeGuard will hold a protest and press conference on Thursday, August 4th, further exposing the relationship of abortionist Richard Grossman and Catholic Hospital Mercy Regional Medical Center. The press conference will give voice to the nation-wide opposition and outcry of pro life leaders, including featured speaker Lila Rose.

    Press Conference Details:

    LifeGuard Press Conference and Protest of Mercy Regional Medical Center

    Lila Rose, LifeGuard, Personhood USA, and local citizens

    1010 Three Springs Blvd. in Durango, Colorado, outside of the entrance to Mercy Regional Medical Center.

    Thursday, August 4th, at 1:30 pm

"The fact that Mercy Hospital allows Dr. Grossman, the local Planned Parenthood abortionist, to maintain his private practice on hospital grounds is a scandal and an outrage," stated Lila Rose, Director of Live Action. "No hospital should promote so-called doctors who make their living off of killing defenseless pre-born children, and a Catholic hospital should know better. Mercy Hospital should immediately sever all ties with Dr. Grossman and evict him from their premises, and if not, the Archdiocese of Denver must intervene to end Mercy Hospital's cooperation with the abortion industry."

National prolife leaders have weighed in heavily against Mercy Hospital's cooperation with abortionist Richard Grossman, including Father Fessio, Founder of Ignatius Press, American Life League Founder Judie Brown, star of "Bella" Eduardo Verastegui, Walter Hoye, Personhood USA, I Am Whole Life Founder Jason Jones, and Joe Scheidler of the Prolife Action League, who led the highly successful event last year. Scheidler encourages all Catholics to sign the new petition at www.mercyprotest.com.

Since its inception in 2006, LifeGuard has been dedicated first and foremost to being the last chance for help to Mothers going into Planned Parenthood of Durango, the only abortion facility within a 200 mile radius. LifeGuard proudly offers adoption assistance, financial support, education, and free ultrasounds, to aid Mothers and save babies from abortion. LifeGuard is also dedicated to educating the public on the sanctity of human life, strengthening the institution of marriage through Creighton Model FertilityCare (Natural Family Planning), and striving to restore the legal personhood of the preborn child.

Life should be protected and honored at all stages and we are here to see that this happens.