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7th Harry Potter Movie 'Spells Trouble' for Society

Contact: Steve Wohlberg, White Horse Media, 559-977-9744 cell, steve@whitehorsemedia.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Pottermania strikes again with the November 19, 2010 release of Part 1 of the Grand Finale, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. When the book was released in July 2007, 11 million copies sold in 24 hours, making it the "fastest selling book in history." When HP 7 hits theaters this Friday, once again, global interest will soar higher than Quidditch players seeking Golden Snitches.

While most consider all anti-Potterism downright Mugglish, concerns remain among many parents over "Wicca" (witchcraft), vampirism, and exploding interest in occultism among teens. While millions will sit spellbound in public theaters watching the next Harry Potter film, behind the scenes vast numbers will also surf Wiccan websites, discover new "Love and Money Spells," and seek to sharpen their skills at practicing apparently wholesome "white magic." Is it all just fun and fiction, or is something truly dark going on? 

Something dangerous?

Steve Wohlberg, bestselling author of Exposing Harry Potter and Witchcraft: The Menace Beneath the Magic (Destiny Image, 2007) has read all the Harry Potter books. He's no rabid witch basher, but believes in full religious freedom. Nevertheless, Wohlberg is concerned about both Hogwarts and the explosive trend toward witchcraft, vampirism, and occultism among teens.

"Plenty of real occultism is embedded in Harry Potter 7," Wohlberg contends, "and in spite of naïve popular opinion, the net film will once again aid Wicca's growth." "Occultism has a dark side," he warns, "and dabblers can easily become trapped like a fly in a spider web." Ex-witches themselves share riveting testimonies in Wohlberg's book.

Steve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media (Newport, WA). TV producer (Amazing Discoveries, Israel in Prophecy, Hour of the Witch), radio host, and the author of 24 books, he's been a guest on over 500 radio and TV shows, has appeared in three History Channel documentaries (Strange Rituals, Secrets of the Seven Seals, The Armageddon Battle Plan), and has spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate.

For more information, visit www.avoidharrypotter.com.

For interviews, contact Steve Wohlberg at (559) 977-9744 (cell) or at steve@whitehorsemedia.com.