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Find Pre-Election Day Commentary at FatherFranksBlog.com
Contact: Leslie Palma, Priests for Life, 347-286-7277; FatherFranksBlog.com
STATEN ISLAND, NY, Oct. 22, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Critics of Father Frank Pavone sometimes describe the National Director of Priests for Life as being "too political." So let this be a warning: He's at it again.
From now until Election Day, Father Pavone will offer special commentary -- including video clips from an online TV show he is developing -- on his blog at www.FatherFranksBlog.com. Posts in these days will focus on the elections in a way that will both inform and mobilize voters, and cut through a lot of the fog that accompanies political rhetoric.
"What we do on November 6, 2012, in large part will determine how much more bloodshed abortion will cause in this nation and in this world," Father Pavone said. "I am not going to hesitate between now and the elections to be far more vocal than I have been in the past. If the Church can't speak at a moment like this, the Church becomes completely irrelevant for this society."
Priests for Life will also announce other opportunities for pre-election interaction with Fr. Frank and his team, and will hold a national webcast at 9 p.m. ET Nov. 7, the night after Election Day, to discuss the election results and formulate strategy appropriate for working with the incoming administration and Congress. More information will become available in the next few days.
"Ultimately there are only two forms of government," Father Pavone said. "The first type acknowledges that our rights come from God and that government exists to secure those rights. The other type says that government is the source of those rights and therefore can alter, add to them, subtract from them or deny them completely.
"Let's make no mistake about it. One of the things we are going to be deciding on November 6 is which of those two types of government America will be."
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit www.priestsforlife.org.