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The World is Dying for True Heroes

Contact: Steve Thomas, Faith and Family Movies (FFM), 815-405-7774, info@faithandfamilymovies.com


MEDIA ADVISORY, August 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- Perhaps one of the greatest assets in the Catholic Church is the men and women who have come before us and lived lives of heroic sanctity. Mother Teresa, John Paul the Great, Maximillian Kolbe, to name a few, and the story of their lives have inspired generation after generation of young and old alike. Juxtapose that with our present "video" culture, and you have the perfect fit for a new and dynamic Catholic company, Faith and Family Movies (FFM).


Trying to fill the need, FFM, has put together one of the finest collections of saint movies ever assembled. The "Heroes Collection" is a compilation of 28 high quality motion picture movies depicting the lives of holy men and women who have come before us. The twist with this is, Faith and Family Movies, is bringing the saints to the parishioners, by way of an attractive, cherry stained kiosk, that sits outside of church sanctuaries. 


"Our goal is to make the lives of the saints available to the person who is not likely to visit a catholic bookstore, or go online to purchase them, so between curiosity, impulse, and grace, we are hoping they will pick one up and throw in a donation."  -- Steve Thomas, CEO


"The work that you are doing is an inspiration to me and is vitally important." -- Fr. Tom, Lombard


"I recently saw a statistic that stated the average American consumer aged 12 and older with Internet access now spends 6.1 hours a DAY with video based entertainment, I knew we had to engage them where they are" -- Steve Thomas, CEO


Contact Faith and Family Movies by email: info@faithandfamilymovies.com, or call, 708-258-0001. www.faithandfamilymovies.com