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National One Book+One Parish+One Summer 2010 Begins

Contact: Jim Kimmel, Executive Director, Nonjustice Foundation, 610-347-0780, jkimmel@nonjustice.org

PHILADELPHIA, April 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Nonjustice Foundation is pleased to announce the start of National One Book+One Parish+One Summer 2010 (official event website: http://onebookoneparishonesummer.wordpress.com/).  

Based on the popular 'One Book One City' and 'Big Read' programs, the National One Book+One Parish+One Summer 2010 event is designed to help America's parishes of all denominations (or no denomination) experience a spiritually deeper summer and stay connected by reading one great book together.

"People tend to miss church for travel or other leisure activities during summer and begin to feel disconnected from their parishes," says Jim Kimmel, Executive Director of the Nonjustice Foundation (www.nonjustice.org), a nonprofit, non-denominational organization dedicated to resolving conflicts and restoring peace through the Christian teaching of forgiveness.

"But it's a wonderful time to read. Reading the same great book together during summer helps parish members feel more connected no matter where they may roam…and gives them lots to talk about when they return."

What book will America's parishes be reading this summer?

"Summer reading means pleasure reading," Kimmel says, "so the book has got to be entertaining as well as spiritual -- preferably a thrilling, well-written novel with a page-turning plot that's clever enough to make you laugh but tender enough to make you cry, with a surprise ending and an uplifting Christian message too."

Too much to ask from one book?

"Not at all," Kimmel says. "We've selected the new spiritual literary novel 'Forgiving Ararat' by Gita Nazareth for the National One Book+One Parish+One Summer 2010 Campaign. A young lawyer dies unexpectedly and, arriving in heaven, learns she's been chosen to join the elite lawyers who prosecute and defend souls at the Final Judgment. Already being compared to books like 'The Shack,' 'Life of Pi', 'The Secret Life of Bees' and 'The Lovely Bones,' 'Forgiving Ararat' is a miraculous and mesmerizing novel about life, death, healing, justice, forgiveness, and what it means to be both human and Divine. In other words, the perfect summer 2010 novel for America's parishes.'

More information about National One Book+One Parish+One Summer 2010, including a free study guide for the book, can be found at the official website: http://onebookoneparishonesummer.wordpress.com/.