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Vision America President Pastor Rick Scarborough Relieved by Helen Thomas' Resignation

Contact: Misty Allmond, Vision America, 936-560-3900, visionamerica1@yahoo.com 

MEDIA ADVISORY, June 8 /Christian Newswire/ -- Vision America President Dr. Rick Scarborough, a Southern Baptist preacher, said he was "relieved" that Helen Thomas resigned from the White House press corps yesterday following a firestorm of criticism.

In a confrontation with a rabbi on the White House grounds on May 27 (recorded on camera), Thomas said Israelis should "get the h--- out of Palestine." She added that Israel's Jewish population, many descendants of Holocaust survivors, should "go home" to Poland and Germany -- where their ancestors were oppressed and slaughtered for almost two millennium culminating in the Final Solution.

Said Scarborough: "Thomas' remarks were so offensive as to defy belief. Clearly, she believes that the so-called Palestinians are entitled to all of Israel, and not just the territory claimed by their terrorist leaders."

"Thomas is an in-your-face liberal who has spent decades pushing an obnoxiously anti-Christian, anti-American and anti-conservative agenda in the guise of 'reporting' the news," Scarborough observed.

The Vision America President added, "Allow me to give Ms. Thomas and others in the media a brief history lesson:

• The Kingdom of Israel existed almost 2,000 years before the birth of Mohammed.

• Throughout the long centuries of exile, there was a continuous Jewish presence on the land, including communities of scholars and rabbis.

• The territory which became Israel again in 1948 was virtually a wasteland until the first Zionist settlers arrived in the 19th century. The relative prosperity they created attracted Arabs from Jordan and elsewhere in the Middle East, whose descendants want to drive the Jews into the sea.

• Those Jews residing in Israel truly are at home. Of all the Earth's inhabitants, only the Jews have a deed to a piece of land from God, as recorded in the Bible."

Scarborough also expressed strong support for Israel's actions in stopping what's called the Gaza flotilla. "Hamas has used every conceivable means to smuggle in arms to attack Israelis. Since its occupation of Gaza began, it has fired over 4,000 rockets at Israeli communities. The Jewish state has both a right and a responsibility to protect its citizens."

Vision America is a Christian organization which follows a conservative agenda. Said Scarborough: "Because we are faithful Christians -- and because we are loyal Americans -- we are obliged to support Israel, God-ordained and the only democracy in the Middle East. The war on the Jews is an extension of Islam's war on Christians and the West."

For more information on Vision America, go to www.visionamerica.us. To schedule an interview with Rick Scarborough, contact Misty at 936-560-3900 or visionamerica1@yahoo.com