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Black Activist Asks: 'Mr. Obama, Mr. McCain, Where Were the Difficult Questions?'

Contact: Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union, 202-834-0844, dgardner@NBPLU.com

WASHINGTON, October 8 /Christian Newswire/ -- Day Gardner, president of The National Black Pro-Life Union, makes the following comments and is available for interviews:

As I listened to the boring debate last night between John McCain and Barack Obama, I realized that both men ended up jabbering about the same old things we have been hearing over the last few weeks. We already know that there is a problem with the economy, duh! We are all holding our collective breath with regard to seeing what will happen next and what's around the corner. The bailout or rescue, which ever you choose to call it--happened and now unfortunately all America can do is wait and see.

Even after the debate the media coverage was boring. I tried to make sense of the dumbest comments from them including this candidate looked more 'debonair' than the other candidate. But when one of the media panel members started analyzing who had the best smile, I nearly fell out of my chair. I mean really? Who cares!!! Our country is in trouble! This is not a beauty pageant--and that's saying a lot because I know a little something about pageants! Trust me--don't ask.

Senators Obama and McCain both want to end the war--we all want our men and women home and they will come home at some point--'hopefully' soon, 'hopefully' victorious.

Since 911, guess what? We will never feel or be completely safe again. We will always be looking over our shoulder for the next attack. I'm not saying the questions posed were not important, I'm saying we've already heard both candidates' answers. They are asked these questions over and over and therefore had a lot of time to prepare their answers and practice their delivery in their respective mirrors. Proof was that they both faired boringly well.

So, where were all the difficult questions? Where were the questions about gay marriage? Where were the questions about embryonic stem cell research?

Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama have healthcare plans--I think they're both okay, just okay. I'd like to hear what Mr. Pickins has to offer, too.

And regarding healthcare, here's where the questions could have really gotten interesting. I wanted the candidates to state once and for all where they stand on abortion. Not just 'for' or 'against' answers.

With all this talk about cutting spending, why was there no mention of cutting the 350 million dollars dolled out to the 'billion dollar' Planned Parenthood abortion chain? Why was there no mention about the killing of infants born alive?

For instance, twenty-six months ago at an abortion clinic in Florida, an African American baby girl was born during an abortion. Did you hear me? A baby girl was born during an abortion. After being born, the young girl was shoved into a biohazard bag and tossed on the roof of a Hialeah abortion mill where she suffered a horrendous death--bruised and battered, gasping for air.

The mother observed her daughter moving. The staff started screaming because they saw the child was alive. But still, the woman named Belkis Gonzalez went ahead and cut the umbilical cord, threw it into a bag, and then used her hands to shove the living baby girl into the same bag along with the bloody gauze.

Eight days later, police found the baby in the bag, on the roof. An autopsy concluded the baby's lungs contained gas bubbles proving the child was born alive.

So, where were the questions about infanticide? Why weren't there any questions about this little girl or others like her?

FYI: for any 'candidate' who cares, keep in mind Florida is an important state in this election--Shanice Osbourne's funeral will be held on October 14, 2008, at 11 AM at Queen of Heaven Cemetery, 1500 S. State Road 7, in Ft. Lauderdale.

Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that due to the blatant effort by the liberal media to cover up the outlandish stand of Barack Obama on infants born alive and the cowardice of Mr. Obama, who folds under the pressure of the nation's largest abortion chain, Shanice and other children like her, will continue to die these horrible deaths.

Unless of course, somewhere along the campaign trail, backbones are developed.

Day Gardner is the president of the National Black Pro-Life Union headquartered in Washington, DC. She can be reached for comment at 202-834-0844, or dgardner@NBPLU.com