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New Ministry Partnership Expands Possibilities

Sum of the Whole Greater than the Parts Creates True Synergy

Contact: Kathy Carlton Willis, Kathy Carlton Willis Communications, 956-642-6319, kathy@kathycarltonwillis.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, May 10, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Christian Devotions Ministries and Kathy Carlton Willis Communications join forces to provide new opportunities for Christian writers. We aim to make sure the message is clear through our devotions, radio programs and books. And now KCWC is getting the word out so the ministry touches even more people.

CDM provides personal and relatable devotions for those who may not otherwise be exposed to the Word of God and promotes Christian writing, publishing and reading. We publish authors with a voice, message and passion for tithing their talents.

Kathy Carlton Willis Communications will come alongside of CDM to get the word out about each endeavor. KCWC is donating $7,250 of in-kind services per year, including radio programming, social networking, training, and six blog tours per year to CDM's book publishing wing, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas.

CDM co-founder, Eddie Jones, said, "For years we've prayed for a marketing partner to come alongside Christian Devotions and help us spread the news of our ministry. The staff and board of directors at Christian Devotions feels Kathy is a true God-send. Her skill, connections and servant's heart is a perfect fit for our mission and we strive to expand our reach and enlarge our territory for Him. Kathy's help is priceless and eternal."

Kathy shares, "KCWC is dedicated to serve-it-forward by assisting ministries we believe in through donating in-kind services. We've observed Christian Devotions Ministries for a couple of years now and wanted to be a part of it. Eddie e-mailed me on a different subject and I asked if his group could use some volunteer promotional assistance. They'd been praying for God to send them a marketing pro. One of those unions made in heaven."

Bringing Kathy Carlton Willis Communications and Christian Devotions Ministries together combines the strengths of two business-ministries to accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God. The hearts of both CDM and KCWC beat with the intent to reach and disciple this generation using the tools and technology available today.

About Kathy Carlton Willis Communications: First and foremost, the KCWC team lives out their Christian faith daily. This full-service communications firm provides coaching, publicity, editing, writing, and speaking to individual clients and complete organizations and companies. Visit their website at: KathyCarltonWillis.com.

To learn more about Christian Devotions Ministries, visit: ChristianDevotions.us.