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National Life Chain Sunday 2007 - Life Chain's 20th Year

On October 7 (for the time in each city, see www.LifeChain.net)

Contact: Royce Dunn, Director of Life Chain, 530-674-5068, Royce@NationalLifeChain.orgwww.LifeChain.net

MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- On National Life Chain Sunday, October 7, prolifers in America and Canada will, for the 20th year, line sidewalks in over 1,300 cities and towns to seek God's forgiveness and His help to end abortion and related evils in our culture. Participants will hold signs that include Abortion Kills Children; Adoption: The Loving Option; Lord, Forgive Us and Our Nation; and Abortion Hurts Women. Frivolity and idle talk are not welcome.

Life Chain is a peaceful witness against a violent public enemy that has terrorized and killed probably well over 100 million preborn Americans and Canadians at surgical abortion clinics and through abortifacient birth controls that, tragically, few pastors will expose publicly. Said Life Chain director Royce Dunn, a Protestant, "God declared that 'My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge [Hosea 4:6].' That truth is for today, when we the church--the preborns' only hope for an advocate and defender--are disgraced by our casual response to their horror and loss."

What seeded the assault on child and family? During the twentieth century, the spirit of child aversion invaded the conscience and integrity of the church and culminated, predictably, in legal-ized abortion and its close allies that include human embryo destruction (in the lab), euthanasia, homosexuality, divorce and cohabitation, illegitimacy, addictions, etc. The demotion of children in the Christian home ruptured biblical marriage and family values and stole the church's will to shield the Unborn from mutilation. Stated Dunn, "The religious spirit Christ exposed in the story of the Good Samaritan is a controlling force within church leadership today, much as it was in Germany during the Nazi persecution of the Jews. Today, the humanity of the Unborn is trifled."

What is termed "Satan's masterpiece" (the abortion holocaust) is due less to what secular thought has done during our age of materialism than to what the church has forgotten--that children are wealth. Of the blessings God promised Israel for obedience in Canaan, the first blessing was "abundant prosperity in the fruit of your womb [Deut. 28:11.]." God Himself sees children as wealth and "prosperity," yet confusion reigns in the church today. Christian parents heartily assume they would not sell a child for, say $10 million or even $10 billion. Yet ask them if they want another child, especially a third or fourth child, and most are stunned, due largely to lack of teaching on God's chief purpose for marriage and on fertility management in the Christian home.

Prolife's greatest need and what can end legalized abortion is a pastoral awakening that restores heart for preborn humanity. The laity must serve devotedly, but as Afro-American Pastor Clen-ard Childress writes in No Shepherds Cry, regarding the Unborn's insufferable plight: "The pew cannot do what the pulpit is suppose to do." Much innocent blood is on the pulpits today, plead-ing unceasingly for justice and mercy. It will plead until the church honors it in word and deed.

Life Chain welcomes everyone who deems human life sacred. Over 13,000 Chains have been built in North America, plus Chains in several other nations. Life Chain is but one step into a serious pro-life commitment. Much intensive follow-up is required to close the death centers.