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Operation Rescue Denounces Press Release of Randall Terry Regarding Activities and Racially Insensitive Literature at the DNC

Contact: Brian R. Chavez-Ochoa, Office of General Counsel, Operation Rescue, 209-772-3013

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Rescue strongly denounces the tactics and racially motivated rhetoric of Randall Terry as evidenced in Mr. Terry's press release of August 19, 2008.  Mr. Terry is not associated with the operational activities of Operation Rescue and has not been involved for quite some time.  Randall Terry is presently involved in a trademark infringement case against Operation Rescue; however, Mr. Terry has no authority whatsoever to imply, nor speak on behalf of, Operation Rescue.

Furthermore, the flyers, activities, planned protests and potential illegal behavior of trespassing and/or arrests as articulated and identified in the August 19, 2008 press release proffered by Mr. Terry are not the sanctioned events of Operation Rescue nor is Operation Rescue acting in concert with Mr. Terry, nor does Operation Rescue approve of the events and/or racially insensitive literature.  Operation Rescue stands upon the Christian principles of love and peace coupled with the adherence to lawful abiding conduct.  Mr. Terry's stated activities for the DNC fall far short of Operation Rescue beliefs and furthermore, are not reflective of the planned events of Operation Rescue during the DNC.

For a full schedule of the Operation Rescue approved events during the DNC please visit the website aprayerforchange.com.

Brian R. Chavez-Ochoa
General Counsel
Operation Rescue