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New Redemption Press Release Offers Antidote to the Unsettling Unhappiness Americans Battle
Redemption Press
Sept. 18, 2020

ENUMCLAW, Wash., Sept. 18, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- No matter who we are, something inside us yearns for more in life. In fact, a March 2019 Washington Post survey revealed that Americans are becoming increasingly unhappy,* and that's likely been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, as anxiety and depression rise.** Many search for fulfillment through position, status, money, or relationships. But what happens when they fail to deliver the satisfaction we long for?

Ron Armstrong's personal discovery to God's "more" is much better than anything we find in the world, and he wants us to experience the full and abundant life found in Jesus Christ. Just as God led the Israelites on their trek to their Promised Land, he can lead believers on a journey to our personal promises through a relationship with him.

This journey is not just about getting somewhere or taking hold of something. It's also about an adventure with someone—Jesus himself. It's about Jesus fulfilling his plans for us, in us, and through us.

In More to This Life, Armstrong unfolds the biblical story of the Israelites' trek from slavery to the Promised Land and shows us how to reach our own promised land by living according to God's principles.

"The determination of man in prayerfulness always precedes the intervention of God in the miraculous," Armstrong says.

More to This Life will help readers answer these tough questions: How can I discover God's purpose for my life? How can I know God is leading my decisions? If God is with me, why do I have setbacks? Can God still use me after I’ve failed him?

Armstrong challenges and encourages us to embark on a journey with Jesus so we can experience more in our lives.

* https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/03/22/americans-are-getting-more-miserable-theres-data-prove-it/
** https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/05/04/mental-health-coronavirus/

Evangelist Ron Armstrong has been ordained with the Assemblies of God for twenty years. Founder of Ron Armstrong Ministries, he lives in his hometown of Spokane, Washington, where he has pastored two churches. Ron has been married to Teresa for thirty-seven years and has a grown son and daughter and five grandchildren. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, hunting, and camping.

For review copies and media interviews, contact the author at Ron@ronarmstrong.org.

Learn more at www.ronarmstrong.org.

Connect with the author on Facebook: Ron Armstrong Ministries

SOURCE Redemption Press

CONTACT: Ron Armstrong, Ron@ronarmstrong.org
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