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Can Anything Good Come Out of the Middle East
Contact: Audra Jennings, The B&B Media Group, 800-927-0517 ext 104, ajennings@tbbmedia.com

DALLAS, Mar. 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- Every night on the evening news, we see images from the Middle East of war, terrorism, bold threats, and a hatred that has been smoldering for centuries. The Middle East is the place where history, religion, and politics collide head-on. The future of the region appears hopeless...until you discover that there is more to the story.

In, Breakthrough (Authentic), author Tom Doyle gives Christians a glimpse of what is really going on in the Middle East -- and this is an angle that you won't get from the mainstream media. Breakthrough tells the stories of vibrant churches who are growing -- even thriving -- in the midst of constant danger and unimaginable persecution.

Breakthrough includes the testimonies of both Jews and Muslims who have come to faith in Christ, people who are constantly watched and often persecuted, who understand that this day might be their last. Included are the conversion stories of former terrorists, Muslim missionaries to America, a Palestinian guard led to Christ by an Israeli believer, and a Muslim Imam, all of whom have become committed Christian leaders.

With media attention increasingly focused on the global threat of militant Islam, it's easy to assume that the majority of the Muslim world supports jihad. Not so, says Doyle. "In extensive interviews throughout the Middle East, we continually hear that over half of Muslims worldwide are not practicing their faith whatsoever. I have learned that even the vast majority of practicing Muslims are peaceful and not into jihad," he says. "From Egypt to Iran, the Muslims we talk to are sick of the Islamic fundamentalism that isolates them from the world and makes them all out to be bloodthirsty killers. We must reach out and love these people with the love of Jesus."

Breakthrough takes readers to the streets of Gaza, a secret pre-dawn gathering of believers in Iran, and an underground Bible college for former Muslims offering a course entitled "What to Do When You Are Arrested for Your Faith." The book includes a brief history of Islam and the resurgence of fundamental Islam and helpful strategies for Christians who want to reach out to the Muslims in their lives. An entire chapter is devoted to the specific prayer needs of the Middle East.
