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2012 Colorado Personhood Amendment Press Conference and Signature Drive Conclusion
Contact: Jennifer Mason, Personhood Colorado, 202-595-3500
DENVER, August 3, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Colorado Personhood Coalition will hold a press conference Monday to make an important announcement regarding the number of signatures gathered to place the personhood initiative on the ballot.
"We won't be certain of the number of signatures until Monday," stated Rosalinda Lozano, ballot sponsor. "We do know that our volunteers have had to work much harder this year after a 7-week delay in the signature process. On Monday morning, when we have our final total, we will announce the number collected at the press conference."
"There should be no question about what this personhood amendment will and will not do," continued Lozano. "The 2012 personhood amendment will recognize the personhood rights of every human being; and by doing so, will ensure a safer Colorado for women and children. We are eager to get our final signature count and complete the signature phase of this campaign."
Press Conference Details ---

Who: Colorado Personhood Coalition

What: Announcement regarding signature count and turn in signatures to Secretary of State.

Where: 1700 Broadway Denver, Co

When: Monday, August 6 2012, at 2:30pm
The 2012 attempt at Personhood in Colorado includes unprecedented amendment language, aimed at disarming scare tactics and correcting false statements from opposition to the amendment. The amendment text is available at www.personhoodco.com.  
Personhood Colorado is a grassroots organization comprised of Colorado citizens who value all human life, from biological beginning to natural death. Personhood Colorado has sponsored the Personhood Amendment to the Colorado constitution.