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Statement from Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America on President Obama's speech on health care to a joint session of Congress

Contact: Demi Bardsley, Concerned Women for America, 202-488-7000 ext. 134

WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- President Obama made many promises about the health care bill he will sign, paid for by savings from cutting out waste and fraud from existing government programs. But Americans won't be fooled by rhetoric.

If it won't use taxpayer funds for abortion - put it in writing in the bill.

If it will protect doctors from violating their conscience by forcing them to commit abortions, put it in clear, no-nonsense language in the bill.

If it will cut waste and fraud - prove that government can and will do it before creating new government programs.

If it allows people to keep the plan they have, then let it allow people to choose the plan they want.

If it requires every person to pay for government-approved insurance, be honest with Americans that they will be punished if they choose a different plan for themselves and their families.

Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.