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Author Applies Wisdom of Proverbs to Rediscovering the Joys of Christmas

Author Steven Estes applies the wisdom of Proverbs to help readers rediscover the joys of Christmas while offering an introduction to the Gospel for non-believers

Contact: Audra Jennings, Litfuse Publicity Group, 903-874-8363, audra@litfusegroup.com

SEATTLE, Oct. 2, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The shopping, family get-togethers, office Christmas party, decorating, memories of loved ones who are no longer with us... What should be the happiest time of the year often becomes a stressful, anxiety-ridden, and emotional season for many who are seeking perfection and trying to meet unrealistic expectations. But December doesn't have to get the better of us.

In A Better December: Proverbs to Brighten Christmas (New Growth Press, October 2013), pastor Steven Estes offers gems of Solomon's proverbial wisdom to help readers find the joy and celebration we all desire for the Christmas season. Even though Solomon lived long before Christ, and three thousand years prior to our modern observance of Christmas, his wisdom is timeless and remarkably applicable to those who long to find themselves refreshed and renewed instead of depleted and cranky in December. Estes deftly combines the wisdom of Proverbs with humor and touching stories, drawing heavily on traditional holiday themes.

Estes has found a wealth of practical advice from King Solomon (circa 900 BC) to help with the typical holidays issues such as materialism, stress, and loneliness. Estes explains his approach, "The connection between Solomon and Christmas is tongue-in-cheek. People know about his vaunted wisdom, but do they know about his savvy market research where he predicted a major future trend: the Christmas holidays? Solomon wrote his blockbuster Proverbs to help future readers navigate December."

But A Better December offers more than mere clever tips for surviving the Christmas holidays. It is also intended to be a gift book for non-Christian friends and neighbors. Through its gradual, non-threatening introduction to the gospel, readers begin to grasp that Solomon is good, but Jesus is better.

With a foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada and whimsical pen-and-ink sketches by Sarah Halulko, this compact book is written for those struggling at Christmas -- burdened with sadness (widows, singles, the elderly, those far from home), or harried with stress (shopping demands, financial strain, awkward visits with relatives). It lays out wisdom that has stood the test of time. The book makes for a charming, spiritual read, without sermonizing, to those hungry at the holidays for true comfort and a real home.
