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Healing and Hope Before Father's Day Television Special Helps Mend Old Wounds

Contact: Jodie Chiricosta, www.somebodycares.org, 757-373-4740, jodie@somebodycares.org

HOUSTON, June 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Life Beyond the Moment, a new television special produced by Somebody Cares America, will air a special Father's Day program-- "Who's Your Daddy Now?" --on the Inspiration Network on June 12, at 12 AM EST and again on June 15, at 10:30PM EST. Viewers can find the Life Beyond the Moment TV special by tuning into INSP on their local cable systems, to Dish Channel 259, or DirecTV Channel 364.

Like Host Doug Stringer's book of the same name, "Who's Your Daddy Now" brings healing and hope to people who know the pain of a father's abandonment, rejection or neglect. Stringer shares positive stories of lives changed when fatherless people come to know their Heavenly Father who supplies full affirmation, acceptance, and approval. Stringer also singles out several Christian role models reaching out to "this fatherless generation."

"When the book Who's Your Daddy Now? was released we started receiving letters, emails, and phone calls from around the country telling us how the book changed people's lives and gave them hope," Jodie Chiricosta, vice president of Somebody Cares America said. "Through television, we hope to share the source of a real Father's affirmation, approval, and acceptance with as many people as possible."

"I know from experience that Father's Day can be a hurtful time for people who have a broken relationship with their earthly father, so we selected the weeks leading up to Father's Day to air the program," Stringer said. "We believe our viewers will experience how much God the Father loves them and has a wonderful plan for their lives."

"Who's Your Daddy Now?" is also available on DVD for use by churches, youth groups, and organizations. DVD's may be purchased at www.somebodycares.org.

About Doug Stringer:
Doug Stringer is founder/president of Turning Point Ministries International and Somebody Cares America/International and has received international recognition for the organization's work. Doug is a licensed pastoral counselor and ordained minister. He has authored several books including It's Time to Cross the Jordan, Somebody Cares, Born To Die, Who's Your Daddy Now?, and the newly released Hope For A Fatherless Generation. Doug speaks at religious, political, educational and civic gatherings, and is available for media interviews and appearances. For more information see