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Planting Churches Is Our Passion

Contact: Rev. Paul Zondo, 612-990-3618


MEDIA ADVISORY, May 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- Church attendance and Membership Decline is a growing problem Nationwide. In Europe many churches are been bought by mosques{muslim place of worship}More than half of the continent of Africa is unreached with the gospel of Christ. It is time for the church to go into the world as it use to and leave the comfort zone. If we don't Christianity may be extinct. The answer for the survival of the church is in Matthew 28:19-20.


If you want to grow your church, encourage them to do evangelism and motivate them for the need to plant churches than call us as soon as possible. If you want to reach the gospel to new comers to America and don't know how. If you want to have Minority or African Ministries and don't know how. If you want to plant churches locally and in Africa do not hesitate call us. We plant churches for individuals, organizations, independent churches and denominational churches. Increase the size of your denomination or make your church or ministries a global one by having branches overseas. Plant a church in memory of a love one. Plant a church in memory of your family. Plant a church in Memory of your business.


Rev. Paul Zondo is a Television evangelist from Africa, author, motivational speaker, pastor, church planter and most of all has a humble heart to plant churches so while encouraging the already existing churches to plant churches. Rev. Paul Zondo can be reached at: 612-990-3618, paulwzondo@hotmail.com  or www.riveroflifeopenbiblechurch.org.