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New Book Offers Financial Guide to Retirement and 'Renewalment'

Contact: PJ Rutar, 800-288-4677 ext 5391, prutar@authorsolutions.com

BELLA VISTA, Ark., May 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- Retirement is a time of transition. It can be exciting and overwhelming, joyous and scary. In the current economic climate, retirement can mean financial uncertainty for some. In his new book Don't Retire-Renew (published by Trafford) author and businessman Lou Kaufmann guides those preparing for retirement into "Renewalment."

Don't Retire-Renew was written based on certain facts already established. First, that the reader is at the age where they have decided to retire or stop working at the job that they have had for many years. Second, the reader's retirement income is such that at least they know that their current bills and obligations can be met. Third, that their health, although not what it was when you were younger, has not crippled them. And lastly, that their overall attitude is such that as they have reached this point in their life that they are open to new ideas and suggestions and possible changes that may affect their life.

Don't Retire-Renew is not written with any political philosophy or ways to change global warming or improve the world. It is written to improve the reader's life and that of their spouse or loved ones. It is written to be used as a "daily" message, one that can be followed one day at a time. There is an old adage that "if you steal one idea it is plagiarism, if you steal many ideas, it is research." Kaufmann has done extensive research for this book. He asks that readers of Don't Retire-Renew take these ideas, concepts and thoughts and put them to work in their daily lives and see if they can't live a total new life of "Renewalment."

Lou Kaufmann is in semi-Renewalment. He continues to be active in the real estate firm that he established in Arkansas. A former serviceman in both the U.S. Air Force and Navy, Kaufmann has worked in sales in one way or another his entire professional life. Kaufmann's resume is a long one, including s stint with NBC TV in Las Vegas. He has been exceptionally active with the Jaycees and has held multiple offices within the organization including State President of the Nevada Jaycees and Vice President of the U.S. Jaycees as well as being a candidate for President of the U.S. Jaycees Lou and his lovely wife of four years, Judy, live in semi-Renewalment in Bella Vista, Arkansas.