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Governors of all 50 States and the Virgin Islands Issue Proclamations for the National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer Task Force officials today confirmed that all 50 state governors signed proclamations for the National Day of Prayer


Contact: Becky Armstrong, Media and Marketing Manager, 719-268-4813, becky.armstrong@nationaldayofprayer.org


MEDIA ADVISORY, April 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The proclamations are just one part of the event, which will include tens of thousands of prayer events are planned across the country this Thursday, the 57th annual recognition of the National Day of Prayer.


NDP Vice Chairman Brian Toon said the signing of the proclamations shows just how respected National Day of Prayer Task Force events are. That particularly important to note at a time when the organization has been criticized by some special-interest groups for being too evangelical and non-inclusive of all religions, while others argue the NDP events are not "Christian enough".


"Our focus remains," Toon explained, "on mobilizing the Christian community to intercede for America and its leaders in the seven centers of power: Church, Education, Family, Government, Military, Media and Business."


Private pilots will fly over all 50 state capitols on Thursday as part of the Prayerflight NDP event. In addition to praying for the states and their residents, each state's constitution and its acknowledgement of God's guidance will be read aloud.


"It is our goal to unify our nation from the air and land, by each state praying for return to gratitude and dedication to God," said Michael Harnishfeger, Prayerflight founder.


Events are also being planned in 166 Federal Prisons throughout the country.


For more information on events in your area, visit the National Day of Prayer Task Force Web site at www.nationaldayofprayer.org