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Biggest Decision of 2016 Begins August 8, (8-8) Says One Michigan Man, Are You Up to His Challenge?
Contact: Kevin Hester, 269-208-3844
ST. JOSEPH, Mich., Aug. 4, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Biggest vote and Decision of 2016 isn't coming in November, but actually begins on August 8th (8-8) according to Kevin Hester the Pastor and Church Planter of The Shore Church in St. Joseph, Michigan.  Kevin believes that we can experience Hope, Positive Change, Togetherness and that we can Keep America Great or Make America Great Again. He says although we have seen division and tension mounting in our Country, that we can take small steps to make America a better place.
Kevin believes that change will not necessarily come through a political party or candidate, although they can encourage the process, Kevin believes changes comes through ourselves and what we say and communicate with others and whether or not we engage in one of the most destructive activities in the world, Gossip. Gossip is destroying good people. It affects all sexes and families. It closes businesses, and disrupts all organizations and governments. It incites and even has its part in inciting racial tension.
Gossip's path of destruction touches everyone. Kevin is taking a public stance against Gossip and challenging people everywhere beginning on August 8 (8-8) to go Gossip Free with their talking, typing, texting, tweeting and with whatever other forms of communication they engage in. Eight is the number of a new beginning or a fresh start, and Kevin believes we all need one in the area of Gossip. Kevin has also created a Gossip Free facebook page, rubber gossip free bracelets and is trying to motivate others give up this destructive habit. He hopes that going 8 days gossip free will start a new lifestyle for many.
Kevin believes Gossip is not just harmless fun although we often treat it this way. It is actually a form of bullying and controlling people and is used on playgrounds, in politics and even in the pews of Churches. Kevin believes Going Gossip Free is a personal decision, the biggest Decision of 2016, and he is hoping our Presidential Candidates and other political figures who are in the public eye will stick to the issues and leave gossip out. Kevin knows that he will not get rid of all the Gossip in the world, but helping to keep just one person from the hurt of gossip, is worth all the effort.