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The Orange Tour Heads to Texas During 2012-2013 Season

Contact: Kristi Porter, 678-600-8115, kporter@rethinkgroup.org

HOUSTON & DALLAS, Dec. 4, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Hundreds of regional church leaders will gather in the Houston and Dallas areas during January for The Orange Tour, an exciting series of one-day events across the nation created to equip and inspire attendees. Reggie Joiner, Sue Miller and Carey Nieuwhof will focus on "Lead Change" and "Lead Small," discussing the idea that how one leads determines one's influence on the next generation. Attendees will be encouraged and instructed on these two key elements for effective family ministry. Thoughts and ideas from other ministry leaders will also be shared in breakouts designed to create dialog and further discussion on these two critical topics.

"Leading Change" will explore how to navigate change and make decisive adjustments to what one does for the sake of ending up where one wants to be. "Leading Small" is addressed because many churches are realizing that the most effective means to influence the faith of the next generation is through a small group strategy.

Designed to be an interactive gathering of church leaders from specific geographic regions, the Tour's relaxed environment provides each leader with the chance to network with others in their area. It's perfect for every member of a ministry team -- preschool, children's, student ministry and senior pastors. Information shared through the tour stems from the Orange Strategy, a pioneering concept that believes parents, as partners with church leadership, create the most impacting center of influence for children and teenagers.

The Orange Tour Houston stop will be held on January 22, 2013, at Woodsedge Community Church in The Woodlands. The Orange Tour Dallas stop will be held on January 24, 2013, at Calvary Church in Irving. Registration is $64, including lunch, if registered two weeks prior to the event, after which the price increases to $74. For more information, please visit www.OrangeTour.org.

Those interested in seeing sample content can download two sessions from last year for free at OrangeTour.org. This opportunity can be used to catch a glimpse of the quality of material presented at each stop and to introduce Orange to team members or senior staff.

About Orange and The Orange Tour:
Orange is a nonprofit organization providing resources and training to help churches maximize their influence on the spiritual growth of the next generation. For more information, please visit
www.ThinkOrange.com. Orange is also the architect of Orange Tour, www.OrangeTour.org, and The Orange Conference, www.TheOrangeConference.com, which provide national training opportunities for church leaders.