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9-11 Christian Center's Keller Calls Rauf and His Partners 'Greedy Pigs'

Contact: Susan Brown, 727-420-7005, bkeller@liveprayer.comLivePrayer.com; www.911christiancenter.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 23, 2010 /Christian Newswire/ -- Bill Keller, the leader of LivePrayer.com an internet ministry that has over 2.4 million subscribers worldwide reading his Daily Devotional and founder of the 9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero, has called Imam Feisal Rauf and the owners of the building where the proposed mosque is to be built "greedy pigs" for trying to get $5 million in federal grant money that has been set aside for the redevelopment of lower Manhattan after the attacks of September 11.

Keller stated, "It is the height of arrogance and the sign of people without conscience for the Muslim owners of 51 Park Place, Imam Feisal Rauf and his third wife Daisy Khan, being such high profile figures and teachers of a religion whose 1400-year documented history around the world has been one of terror, war, death, and domination, to ask for one penny of government money to build their victory mosque to what Muslims around the world call a great military accomplishment, when on 9/11/2001 their Muslim brothers took down the World Trade Center towers and slaughtered approximately 3,000 innocent souls.

Keller has been on record saying that Imam Rauf and his third wife Daisy Khan are nothing but a "con-artists" who have never raised $100 million in their lives, and are simply using the building the Muslim owners bought for virtually nothing as part of a strategy to advance Islam and Sharia Law in this country, while pocketing whatever donations they are able to raise.

He went on to say, "The sick thing is, anyone who opposes Rauf getting this money will immediately be labeled as intolerant, Islamaphobic, hate-mongers, and a whole host of pejoratives to intimidate people who oppose this victory mosque into silence. Sadly, it is a tactic that works since most who oppose the building of a victory mosque by ground zero have been marginalized as haters by the media that continues to give Rauf a forum to further his personal agenda."

Keller will be announcing Wednesday, December 1st, the site of his permanent home for the 9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero which is scheduled to open January 1st, and hold evangelistic services twice a day Monday-Saturday, and once on Sunday's. Keller has been holding services for his new evangelistic center every Sunday at the New York Marriott since September 5th. Those services will continue through the end of the year, the last one on Sunday, December 26th.

Keller stated that he sees this as an incredible opportunity to take a stand for Christ within a block of the hallowed ground where the World Trade Center Towers once stood, and give people a place where they can come to pray and find true peace and hope at a time when so many lives are in turmoil.