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'We Are Reaping What We Have Sown' -- Randall Terry Releases Statement on Attempted Assassination of Trump

Randall Terry for President
July 13, 2024

LAS VEGAS, July 13, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- From the Free & Equal Presidential Debate at FreedomFest 2024 in Las Vegas, Constitution Party candidate for president Randall Terry releases the following statement:

    "We are reaping what we have sown as a nation. We have spilt the blood of 65,000,000 innocent human beings. The violence we have permitted and promoted will bring more violence and bloodshed. God is not mocked.

    "We pray for President Trump, we also pray we repent as a nation, and stop the slaughter of innocent children by abortion.

    "If we do not end this holocaust, we can expect and predict that we will descend into violence. And as President Lincoln said, we too will say: 'The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.'"

    Randall Terry
    Constitution Party candidate for president.

For more information or to interview Mr. Terry contact:

Jackie Jones
Truth PR

SOURCE Randall Terry for President, www.terry2024.com

CONTACT: Jackie Jones, Truth PR, 316-644-9538, Jackie@truthpr.com