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21st U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon Begins Sunday, May 2

Contact: Pastor Michael Hall, 202-441-6455/7

WASHINGTON, May 3 /Christian Newswire/ -- The 21st annual U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon began Sunday evening, May 2, with the reading of Genesis 1:1, and then for 90 continuous hours every word of the Bible will be read aloud and without commentary, culminating at 11:30 AM on Thursday, May 6, with the reading of the final chapters of Revelation. During these five days, hundreds of Bible believers will gather on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol to read a portion of the Bible, to listen and to pray.

Event: 21st Annual U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon

When: Sunday, May 2, 2010, 6:00 PM through Thursday, May 6, 11:30 AM

Where: West Front, U.S. Capitol (Lower West Terrace)

Interview Contact: Rev. Michael Hall, 202-441-6455/7

Participant and event information contact: Terry Shaffer Hall,

The first U. S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon was held in 1990. Every year since, the event has served to honor the Bible, celebrate religious freedom and unite the diverse branches of Christianity around the Bible.

Readers come from many backgrounds and locations all across America. Members of Congress and world-renowned Christian leaders and pastors stand alongside military personnel, nurses, teachers, school children, retirees, and otherwise ordinary believers to raise up the Word of God. Each year the Bible is read at the Capitol by visitors from around the world in their native tongues. There are 100 foreign language Bibles kept there on-site for them. Every culture, age, denomination, race and political party is represented. Many branches of faith are represented as well, including Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Messianic and Jewish.

The U. S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon is part of a weeklong celebration of prayer and the Word, not only in the Nation's Capital, but across the nation. The International Bible Reading Association, which promotes this idea of public Bible readings, says that Bible reading marathons will be taking place this year in many state capitals and county seats in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer.

The U. S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon's opening ceremony and prayer began at 6:00 PM on Sunday, May 2. The closing ceremony will begin at 11:30 AM on Thursday, May 6. It will be immediately followed by a one hour Prayer Vigil sponsored by the National Day of Prayer. The Capital Region National Day of Prayer Observance will be held at the same location at 4:30 PM.

The U. S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon will be webcast around the world at www.internationalbiblereadingassociation.org

Reading times can be reserved through Terry Shaffer Hall,
202-441-6455 or Email: DCBibleMarathon@aol.com  

Marathon website: www.dcbiblemarathon.org