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Desperate Measures on Prop 4- Sarah's Law

Desperate Journalists Take Desperate Measures

Contact: Margi Pearson, YESon4, 619-435-5014, margi@yeson4.net

MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 2 /Christian Newswire/ -- Faced with polls showing Proposition 4 with an 8-point lead, opponents of parental notification are resorting to outright fabrication in order to defeat this commonsense initiative.

Tom Elias, whose syndicated columns appears in 70 California papers, published a column this week containing outrageous claims that there are "studies of case histories" of girls in states with notification laws being maimed and dying by resorting to "coat hanger" and "back-alley" abortions. He makes the unqualified assertion that "where girls are legally required to notify parents, the percentage of back-alley abortions goes up."

All of these statements are utter fiction. There are no studies, no case histories, no other evidence to support Mr. Elias's claims. Parental involvement laws are in effect in 34 states, going back up to 25 years. Opponents of Proposition 4 are unable to point to a single case of a minor being harmed by a notification law, much less any "studies" or other data showing an increase in back-alley abortions.

The coalition of supporters of Prop 4, including doctors, nurses, teachers, parents, and law enforcement, call on Mr. Elias to withdraw his flagrantly false claims and acknowledge that there is no evidence of minors being harmed by notification laws.

"Voters should be on alert for last-minute smears like this from the opposition," says Margi Pearson of the Yes on 4 campaign. "Proposition 4 does not threaten minors. Rather, it will help vulnerable girls by assuring them the counsel and protection of family members who care about them."

Voters who care about the health and safety of minor girls will vote Yes on 4.