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Face of the God-man

A Quest for Ancient Oil Lamps Leads to the Prototype of Sacred Art...and MORE

Contact: Philip E. Dayvault, Datum Enterprise, LLC, 919-787-2448, siped@keramion502.com 

RALEIGH, N.C., May 17, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- While conducting ancient oil lamp research in museum depots in Turkey during May 2002, Philip E. Dayvault, of Raleigh, NC, discovered a mosaic which depicts the Face of Christ and is remarkably derived from the Shroud of Turin, the traditional burial cloth of Jesus Christ. By comparing its image with various ancient Christological depictions, i.e., paintings, Icons, frescoes, and mosaics, he subsequently determined this mosaic to be the prototype of numerous Christological depictions; and also, the actual, historical 1st Century Keramion.

The Shroud of Turin is either authentic, or not. If authentic, it is the most important archaeological and religious object ever known to man, because it bears the actual Blood and Image of Jesus Christ. If not authentic, it is the most elaborate hoax ever perpetrated by man. As scholar John Walsh once said, "It is one or the other, there is no middle ground."

Christianity, the world's largest religion, is centered on the Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. If He did not rise, then our faith is all in vain. But, He did rise, and the Shroud ostensibly was left behind in the tomb after His Resurrection. This fine linen cloth bears the faint negative Image of a crucified man with wounds which are consistent with the Gospel accounts of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Dayvault, an investigative researcher, has followed and studied the Shroud since 1973. New findings based on documentary, circumstantial and physical evidence, credibly associate the Shroud to the 1st Century. Dayvault has fully utilized the Scientific Method and forensic comparative image analysis skills. Most importantly, these findings answer many aspects of the Shroud mystery; and, in Dayvault's opinion, ultimately confirm the authenticity of the Shroud, beyond a reasonable doubt.

Dayvault, a graduate from the University of North Carolina, served for almost eight years with the US FBI, both as a former Special Agent and Laboratory Technician. Later, he served in managerial positions with several international corporations and a local Shroud research group. Since 2000, Dayvault has conducted independent, investigative research on Early Christianity, related Relics and Sacred Art.

The peer-reviewed PDF article may be downloaded at the DATUM ENTERPRISE, LLC website: www.keramion502.com