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God's Miracles in Lives of Regular People

Contact: Tom Hudock, Sr. Publicist, Author Solutions Inc., 1-800-Authors Ext. 5553

STUART, FL, April 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- Author, Angelic Tarasio is proud to announce the release of her new highly motivational and awe inspiring book, God's Miracles in Lives of Regular People (published by iUniverse) during one of the most uncertain economic times in recent history.

Written as the first book of a trilogy God's Miracles in Lives of Regular People, based on the diary entries of Maria Kotyk, this inspirational love story takes readers through the life of Maria as she comes face to face with several life threatening hardships. From fighting to stay alive during the Nazi occupation of WW II, false imprisonment in a Siberian force labor camp, as well as living as a homeless mother on the streets of Moscow, Maria stays true to her faith and calls upon the power of prayer to find strength and direction in her times of total hopelessness and despair.

"Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God by Thy grace," Maria prayed daily. Two years prier, she considered herself a decision maker. It was so simple to make decisions in her beautiful pre-war life. The hardship of war and inability to change the circumstances taught Maria a new lesson on how a human should rely on God. "The presence of Divinity in her everyday life made the miracles possible."

Driven by a constant daily reminder, working as a health care practitioner with a plethora of clients for over 20 years, Tarasio was given a firsthand opportunity to observe and experience for herself that over 75% of her patients were becoming physically ill and depressed due to the inability to define the purpose and value of their lives. "People forget that they are God's creation and some are afraid to admit the phenomenon of one's soul which guarantee's a direct connection to the Universe," says Tarasio. "We call and receive the blessing from the Heavens to survive."

About the Author
Holding degrees in both German and English, Ukrainian native, Angelic Tarasio currently resides in sunny Palm City, Florida. Working alongside her husband in their joint medical practice, Angelic was inspired daily to write a book about the surviving the hardships of life. When not reading or writing her books, Tarasio enjoys the picturesque nature of the estate, listening to classical and modern music, as well as traveling to destinations throughout the U.S. and Europe.

God's Miracles in Lives of Regular People
Available from:
www.iUniverse.com, www.bn.com, and www.amazon.com
ISBN: 9780595409648 · 6 x 9 · Paperback · 176 pages · $20.95