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Treaty Plays Russian Roulette with Iran

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton urged the Senate last week to ratify the "START" nuclear treaty with Russia. Monday there was some stunning news about Iran's nuclear program. The Obama Administration is ignoring the obvious, perilous connection between the two, according to Tim LaHaye, originator of the Left Behind series and his co-author, suspense novelist and constitutional attorney Craig Parshall who comment in their author blog, EdgeOfApocalypseToday.com, that the language in the preamble to the START treaty handicaps U.S. missile defense just as Russia is aiding and abetting Iran's plan for nuclear terror. (full article below).

Contact: Linda Murphy, 619-443-0216

WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's testimony last week to the Senate urged lawmakers to quickly ratify the new START nuclear weapons treaty with Russia that the Obama Administration negotiated. That debate, coupled with this week's media reports about Iran made us do a double take: the two of us are currently working on the sequel to our futuristic novel, Edge of Apocalypse. These events of recent days are hitting close to home.

If we don't sign the "START" nuclear weapons treaty with Russia, according to Mrs. Clinton's testimony, then "our national security is at risk." But we think that the terms of this treaty WILL put our nation at risk. In the preamble, the treaty says that America will be prevented from developing defensive anti-nuclear missile systems if they have the potential of weakening the "viability and effectiveness" of Russia's nuclear force. Some may argue that such a preamble has no legal effect: not true. Particularly where the terms of a treaty (like any other contract) are less than clear, the language in the preamble can help guide interpretation of the treaty terms. Thus, this START treaty will have the effect of slowing or preventing entirely America's use of a defensive anti-nuke shield. Debate over such a shield (in our book, a unique laser system), and how it impacts the everyday lives of Americans is at the core of what happens in our novel Edge of Apocalypse. Speaking of preambles, it is important to remember that our Founding Fathers stated in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution that one of the reasons for establishing our form of government was to "provide for the common defense."

How does Iran play into this? It was just announced that Iran will be loading enriched uranium into its Bushehr nuclear reactor. And it plans on building a dozen more nuclear facilities. Who is supplying the enriched uranium? None other than Russia, a fact that Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs admitted last Friday. Such enriched nuclear fuel can be used for nuclear weapons, not just to provide electricity to its citizens as Iran claims. So why would the Obama Administration give away U.S. security in the START treaty with Russia, just as Russia is helping to develop Iran - an official state of terrorism - into a nuclear power? This entire scenario has a foreboding kinship to our new fiction series. With these most recent events, our End Series books are starting more and more to look like perilous fact.

(c) 2010 Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall