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Saturday, March 10, 2012

President Obama Creates 'Dueling Prayer Vigils' at the Supreme Court After Following the Lead of Faith Organizations

Friday, March 09, 2012

Ugandan Government Let Kony Escape

International Youth Coalition Leaves its Mark on the United Nations

Pope Benedict Attacked for Defending Marriage

Young Americans Denied Opportunities to Enter the Workforce - February Jobs Numbers Statement

International Women's Day a Travesty for Chinese Women and Blind Forced Abortion Opponent Chen Guangcheng

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Obama Trading America's Security for Re-election -- Akin to British PM Stanley Baldwin and the Germans

Mobile Wallet for Churches Solves Modern-Day Tithing Problem; MoPin is a Safe and Affordable New Way to Collect Donations Via Text Message

Jonathan Falwell Applauds New Virginia Law

Premeditated Murder of Newborn Babies Justified as Morally Equivalent to Abortion

Churches Embrace Mental Health Training

New Album Offers Bilingual Soundtrack for Contemporary Ministry

The Alliance Celebrates 125 Years of Ministry

Craig Keener's MIRACLES Wins The Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship's 2012 Award of Excellence

Young Women to Walk 21-Day, 250 Mile Trek Calling America 'Back to Life'

Maryland Police to Get Training About Pro-lifers' Rights, Says Agreement

The Christian Classic Tour

Sandi Patty & Friends Tour

Victory in Court for Personhood Colorado; Petition Set to Move Forward

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Pro-Life Youth Arrested for Peaceful Free Speech Activity on Public Sidewalk

Georgia Right to Life Praises House, Calls on Senate to Pass Assisted Suicide Bill

United Methodist U.S. Membership Slide Accelerates

Stopping Sex Slavery on the Tibet Border

Local Parishes Welcome Passion Relics

Online Campaign Showcases Church -- and Free Subscriptions

Jesus.net Japan Launches Outreach to Bring Hope to Nation Still Hurting from March 2011 Disaster

The Seed Company Launches 800th Bible Translation Project with Aborigines Translators in Australia

Richard Viguerie Calls on Newt Gingrich to Consider Dropping Out and Backing Rick Santorum

Christian Author Wins 'Best Romance' at Los Angeles Book Festival

Douglas Shaw & Associates Names New CEO; Broadens its Integrated Marketing Offering

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